View Full Version : Hola, aloha. Tomato, tomahto. Potatoe, potahto.

08-08-2015, 01:35 PM
Hi! I know not everybody in this forum may be feeling great today, But I would like to extend my well wishes.

I'm fairly new. I don't bite... And I think I'm a fairly decent person - Especially when I'm not having an episode, which I can probably describe Is equivalent to having to deal with a wet cat.

I think we can be great friends because I do believe we may have something In common!

... And if it's not anxiety, maybe you may like some of the things I like that Do a pretty good job at keeping me occupied for the most part, like...

- board games
- video games
- illustrating/painting
- reading some (my favorite is fiction/fantasy)

... To name a few.

I know it can be really difficult. And I do believe I've had this condition For quite some time now, however I refuse to surrender to it, and you shouldn't either.

A lot of times it helps to know that someone's there for you. And it can suck a lot If you can't reach anyone when you need it the most.

It definitely helped for me, Like the Beatles sang, " I get by with a little help from my friends...", but let's get creative and not limit it to real life friends and family.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you need somebody to talk to, if you need a friend, you may Come chat / im / skype me if you need to - we can always arrange something. :)

-- oh and thank you MiST for the warm welcome. I couldn't reply until my 10th post. So i added you instead!

Cheers friends, and try your best to keep your heads up.
We all deserve to breathe Better air.

08-08-2015, 01:38 PM
Welcome to the forum. :)

08-08-2015, 01:41 PM
Thank you chick :). - I do hope you are doing well today :3

08-08-2015, 05:13 PM
My kinda girl..:D

Love the positive attitude..

08-08-2015, 06:27 PM
Welcome, welcome! I'm brand new as well. Video games also happen to be one of my ultimate distractions. When the anxiety gets high, losing myself into a game generally helps calm me down pretty well.

08-08-2015, 09:01 PM
Welcome to the forum. :)
You alright chixk? how you been?

My kinda girl..:D

Love the positive attitude..

I try :p ... (Hooray 10th post!)
But admittedly there are days it can be pretty taxing.
Buy I try :p

Whats up, ketchup?

Welcome, welcome! I'm brand new as well. Video games also happen to be one of my ultimate distractions. When the anxiety gets high, losing myself into a game generally helps calm me down pretty well.


Yeah? What games do like playing? A month ago steam sale went on, I think and I went slightly crazy over little things
With it hahhaa... Like castle crashers and I also got Child of Light but ugh... Ubisoft keeps booting me out

08-09-2015, 03:01 AM
Ubisoft are fast becoming the new EA..:eek:

08-09-2015, 04:10 AM
Ubisoft are fast becoming the new EA..:eek:

Looks like it, especially since it's booted me out Child of Light so much that
I decided to take a hiatus on it just when I started. Also Megatron (my laptop) is getting pretty old.
So maybe that isn't helping either x3.

08-09-2015, 05:13 AM
Looks like it, especially since it's booted me out Child of Light so much that
I decided to take a hiatus on it just when I started. Also Megatron (my laptop) is getting pretty old.
So maybe that isn't helping either x3.

Have you played "Never Alone"? that's a great game and pretty light on system requirements..:)

08-09-2015, 07:17 AM
nupe! What is this game?

08-09-2015, 07:49 AM
nupe! What is this game?

You get to play as an arctic fox..oh yes..:)


08-09-2015, 08:23 AM
You alright chixk? how you been?

I try :p ... (Hooray 10th post!)
But admittedly there are days it can be pretty taxing.
Buy I try :p

Whats up, ketchup?


Yeah? What games do like playing? A month ago steam sale went on, I think and I went slightly crazy over little things
With it hahhaa... Like castle crashers and I also got Child of Light but ugh... Ubisoft keeps booting me out

I'm a console gamer primarily but play a bit of CS:GO and Ark. CS for when I feel like shooting things and Ark for when I feel like riding dinosaurs. Really, who doesn't want to ride a dinosaur?

08-09-2015, 08:27 AM
Ark is a good game, a surprise hit! But it is poorly optimised and really quite buggy still..but the emphasis on collecting poop and also the presence of Megalodon make it all worthwhile..:D

Now i want Megalodon poop in my life..

08-09-2015, 09:16 AM
I'm a console gamer primarily but play a bit of CS:GO and Ark. CS for when I feel like shooting things and Ark for when I feel like riding dinosaurs. Really, who doesn't want to ride a dinosaur?

You play the game my brother likes. Unfortunately for me, I don't have a console. I get to play xbox one in my office tho, and The game i do like playing there would be Killer Instinct, and Thunder is only the best everrr...

Now i want Megalodon poop in my life..
now THIS is charming! Hahha :p

You get to play as an arctic fox..oh yes..:)

arrrghhhhh!!!!! The cover art is sooooo cute, I wanna squishify it!
I will most definitely check this game out!

08-09-2015, 09:44 AM

08-09-2015, 08:54 PM
You alright chixk? how you been?

I try :p ... (Hooray 10th post!)
But admittedly there are days it can be pretty taxing.
Buy I try :p

Whats up, ketchup?


Sorry for the radio silence, I've had a busy weekend. I just started new meds a few days ago so I'm trying to adjust to them and juggle my other responsibilities...yuck. Also I got sucked back into my Steam account after ignoring it for some time.