View Full Version : Does anyone else constantly take their temperature
08-05-2015, 07:33 PM
Does anyone else out there constantly take their temperature? Today I woke up for the first time in a while with zero symptoms. Like literally zero. I was perplexed. for some reason I decided to take my temperature and it was 99.8. I freaked out. then it was 100.3. then it was 98.9 then 98.6, then 99.3. all day it was changing and now I find myself checking it all the time. I dont even feel warm at all?? so confused.
08-07-2015, 07:24 AM
Congratulations! After a few years here, you are the first one I have read with this obsession.
You should add it to the symptoms list on the sticky
I have seen people constantly taking their blood pressure but it's no different from taking your temperature. Probably not as bad since BP spikes up or down as you relax or get tense
Taking your temperature is just your thing. Something that you chose to focus on. Everyone has their own thing that they dwell on that gets them uptight
Try not to focus so much on taking your temperature as to understanding why you are so anxious. Not treat the symptom, treat the cause
08-09-2015, 11:20 AM
Omg I'm glad I'm not the only one!!!! I take my temp around 2 to 3 times a day just to make sure I don't have a fever .. I also take my blood pressure to make sure
My atenolol is working... I need new batteries for my machine so I haven't done it in a few days( blessing in disguise)lol
08-09-2015, 12:55 PM
Not temperature but I check my pulse a few times a day.
08-09-2015, 08:35 PM
I never checked my temperature, but used to check my blood press like 50 times a day! No exaggeration!
I'm happy those days are behind me now.
08-11-2015, 06:46 PM
Glad to see I'm not alone with obsessing over taking my temperature! That's one of the first things I do as soon as I don't feel right. On a bad day, I can take it every couple of hours. I swear that my head is hot & I am sweating but I never actually have a fever. The wonders of anxiety!!
09-27-2015, 08:12 PM
I never checked my temperature, but used to check my blood press like 50 times a day! No exaggeration!
I'm happy those days are behind me now.
I am right there with you, I am actually having a moment right now where I am testing it lol I hate it, all I have to do is look at my monitor and I feel it going up? My doctor swears it's fine, just something anxiety does to people. But when I have a moment, I feel like I have to take it, and then it's high 157/99, that to me is high!! Which in turn makes me panic which puts it up even higher...I guess my question is how do you get rid of this??!! I have severe white coat hypertension!!! I noticed your post said "so happy those days are behind me now"
Thank you in advance
09-28-2015, 10:58 AM
Our situations are very similar Estelle. I did and still struggle with hypertension and white coat syndrome. Just to a much lesser degree now.
For me though, my OCD (checking my blood pressure), happened very early in my anxiety struggle. I was not sure what was happening with my body and was extremely scared that I was going to die. I thought that if I checked my pressure and it was low, that it would make me feel better. It didn't! All it did was make me anxious about checking it again, and again, and again! After a period of time, and a bevy of other problems, I got pissed off enough and said, "Screw it! I'm not going to let this ruin my life!" So I started reading, trying to understand it all. I went to forums like this one. I started going to a psychologist (and still do). I exercised. I meditated. I did yoga. I took hot baths. Whatever I thought would help to relax me, I did it. Whatever the books told me to do, I did it. For me, understanding that not one thing had gotten me to this point made it a lot easier to understand that not one thing was going to make it all disappear. I wasn't looking for the magic pill!
Don't get me wrong though, I still struggle from time to time. But having the tools, techniques, and coping mechanisms makes it a heck of a lot easier. Hope that helps a little? Sorry, I'm not the best writer at conveying my message sometimes!!! lol
09-28-2015, 05:08 PM
Our situations are very similar Estelle. I did and still struggle with hypertension and white coat syndrome. Just to a much lesser degree now.
For me though, my OCD (checking my blood pressure), happened very early in my anxiety struggle. I was not sure what was happening with my body and was extremely scared that I was going to die. I thought that if I checked my pressure and it was low, that it would make me feel better. It didn't! All it did was make me anxious about checking it again, and again, and again! After a period of time, and a bevy of other problems, I got pissed off enough and said, "Screw it! I'm not going to let this ruin my life!" So I started reading, trying to understand it all. I went to forums like this one. I started going to a psychologist (and still do). I exercised. I meditated. I did yoga. I took hot baths. Whatever I thought would help to relax me, I did it. Whatever the books told me to do, I did it. For me, understanding that not one thing had gotten me to this point made it a lot easier to understand that not one thing was going to make it all disappear. I wasn't looking for the magic pill!
Don't get me wrong though, I still struggle from time to time. But having the tools, techniques, and coping mechanisms makes it a heck of a lot easier. Hope that helps a little? Sorry, I'm not the best writer at conveying my message sometimes!!! lol
Thank you, yes I try all the tricks, but all o have to do is see the damn thing and I can feel my heart start pounding and my ears get hit and I know it's up!! I am my own worst enemy :(
09-28-2015, 05:58 PM
Thank you, yes I try all the tricks, but all o have to do is see the damn thing and I can feel my heart start pounding and my ears get hit and I know it's up!! I am my own worst enemy :(
I hear ya! We are our own worst enemies. That statement is so true.
When this all began, I remember being at the hospital having a stress test done to make sure my chest pains where not cardiac related (of course they where not). They put all the wires and leads on my chest. Then all of a sudden the monitor started beeping!!! Which it's suppose too. Of course, my mind took over and I started freaking out. My heart rate went from like 85 to 135 in a matter of 30 secs, and I was just sitting on the table.... lol
It truly is the way we perceive and react to situations and circumstances that is our down fall. Some people get a twinge in their chest and go, "Huh.. that was weird" and go about their day not thinking twice. I get a twinge and go, "OMG... What was that??? Am I about to have a heart attack???" It's the irrational thinking that takes us over the deep end every time.
09-28-2015, 06:16 PM
I hear ya! We are our own worst enemies. That statement is so true.
When this all began, I remember being at the hospital having a stress test done to make sure my chest pains where not cardiac related (of course they where not). They put all the wires and leads on my chest. Then all of a sudden the monitor started beeping!!! Which it's suppose too. Of course, my mind took over and I started freaking out. My heart rate went from like 85 to 135 in a matter of 30 secs, and I was just sitting on the table.... lol
It truly is the way we perceive and react to situations and circumstances that is our down fall. Some people get a twinge in their chest and go, "Huh.. that was weird" and go about their day not thinking twice. I get a twinge and go, "OMG... What was that??? Am I about to have a heart attack???" It's the irrational thinking that takes us over the deep end every time.
That is me to a tea, if I start to feel dizzy, my mind automatically goes to "I'm having a stroke, which in turn makes my heart pound, which in turn makes me think I'm having a heart attack:( I don't take any meds except for birth control and a acid reflux med, but I just started a probiotic which I have heard is suppose to help tremendously, here in Nova Scotia a university is doing a study to prove that probiotics have really helped a lot of people over come their anxiety and depression, so I of course had to try, so I am 5 days in, can't say I'm cured yet lol...but I have been very stressed these last few weeks as my brothers and I are selling my dads family farm as we just can't keep up with the up keep of it and as of sept 10 we thought it was we have been cleaning and preparing ourselves for the biggest decision we have ever had to make when it comes to dads stuff as he committed suicide in November 2012 and we have just been holding on it and neither one of us can just afford to keep it as well as our own mortgages :( but when I get stressed I feel my bp go up and then I have a hard time calming down :(
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