View Full Version : Newbie with problems

09-01-2008, 04:07 PM
I found this forum looking up air hunger on internet search engines.
I am new here, I have a very busy life, I currently have 3 jobs and I am a housewife and mum. For 10 years on and off, I have had bouts of feeling depressed, I have been known not to leave the house, or worry when I do .
My trouble at the moment is, I have the need to gasp for air. Its hard to describe, I can be eating, talking , working, or just sitting reading a book and BAM I was to start taking really deep breath. I find myself doing this all time now, and its wearing me out, if I am sitting I will jump up quick to grasp that ling full air, sometime it comes sometimes it doesn’t.
any suggestions as to what's going on, I have been to my GP and he says I do not have Asthma, I have had my oxygen levels tested.
Its really getting me down now, as I walk about all day grabbing deep breaths, The only time I don do it is when I am doing house work. But will do it when I stop.

Anyone else have this problem and what did you do to stop it.
H I am a smoker

Cheers Mark

09-01-2008, 10:49 PM
First off, Stop Smoking. Right Now. Stop.

Secondly, your problem is most likely hyperventilation due to anxiety. I have to pieces of advice for you. When you feel like you are gulping for air get a paper bag and place it over your face and continue to breath in and out (with the bag still covering your face) for about five minutes. Secondly, whenever you feel the urge to take a deep breath, Fight it. Try to take the fewest amounts of deep breaths as possible.

I've suffered from the same exact thing and overcame it by using the bag and forcing my self to regulate my breathing. Good Luck and QUIT SMOKING!!!!