View Full Version : travel anxiety...phosphotidyl choline, b5, withania somnifera

08-04-2015, 06:00 PM

I get anxiety and panic attacks when I travel. A condition Ive had for over 10 years. I do not travel far at all. Unable to. Many years ago driving out of town was impossible and flying just did not happen. Now Im comfortable doing road trips and flying only to very close locations. For the past 5-6 years driving on a road trips has been no issue. Till recently. I have been working so hard for years to build some confidence and finally take a family vacation or to attend a friends wedding overseas and it all came crashing down.

Lately Ive been getting some anxiety here and there so I went to see a naturopath doctor. Few weeks before my first summer vacation. She gave me withania somnifera, pantothenic acid (b5) and phosphatidyl choline. The reviews on this stuff is great for anxiety. Ive been on the supplements for few weeks leading to my vacation and prior to leaving I was excited the drive up was great and could not wait to have 4 days away in the sun with friends. We arrived!

Then boom! Anxiety hit me. All day I felt uncomfortable and that evening I had a panic attack that almost made me drive to the ER. What the hell is going on. For the next 3 days as well I had anxiety that would not subside. On An occasion I would get a break for a few mins where I felt positive but it would not last. I was suffering everyday. Then I started to feel bummed out. No interest in socializing and just wanted to be alone. Could not wait to get home.

Now Im scared to travel again. Few weeks later I had my second vacation booked and the anticipatory anxiety made me stay home.

Anyone else have any feed back on the supplements listed above? I have since been off the supplements and my doc was puzzled that I think it was caused by them but I cant think of any other reason. They made me more sensitive or something. Its been a month now and Im still experiencing some anxiety here and there...good days bad days but have not returned to normal. I think I may have situational depression due to that Im so disappointed in the setback. Years of work down the drain.
Any feedback appreciated :)