View Full Version : Eye strain or anxiety.......

08-04-2015, 02:47 PM
I have been constantly having weird facial sensations for about 3 weeks now, and I don't understand if they persist because I am straining my eyes or is it because of anxiety and I can't make my mind up about it. My eyes feel fine at the moment, and obviously after a lengthy sleep eye strain should be gone but my facial symptoms remain... I feel tightness on my face, temples, cheeks.... little bit of dizziness sometimes, confusion, difficulty concentrating etc...
its kind of like my skin is tight or pulling...

I'm not sure but I think the symptoms get stronger when I am behind a computer, but that might also be because I think it is eye strain which is causing me these symptoms so actually my anxiety causes these symptoms to get stronger behind a computer, because I can feel the symptoms get stronger after just 5-10 minutes of computer which is not possible to get an eye strain during that time, especially because my screen is modified so that it strains my eyes as little as possible, and also I have been using it for a long time without any problems.

My personal opinion is that my anxiety initially kicked in because of an eye strain which I had, and now I am sub-consciously scared of using the computer so it worsens my symptoms.

I go outside often, I exercise every single day, and try relaxing myself but I don't see much improvement during these activities...

So even if this is purely caused by anxiety I don't know how to calm this down, I am physically very healthy so that can't be the problem, only thing is I am a little bit depressed and anti social and spend my days in front of a computer most of the time. Maybe I just need to go back to school and socialize more to get better.... but first of all I need to completely be sure that it is indeed anxiety and not eye strain, but to be honest eye strain does not make sense since I rest my eyes quite a lot, I also sleep during the day some times and take frequent breaks... and my eyes don't even hurt at all.

08-05-2015, 08:00 AM
Any opinions? I don't know what to do any more... eye strain just does not make any sense to last so long so I guess it is just anxiety, and anxiety can't really hurt me can it? I mean it can't physically mess anything up inside my head can it? I have noticed that my anxiety gets worse when my sleep is interrupted, or when I get excited about something... so I can't get excited about anything....

08-05-2015, 08:49 AM
Skizo this is the second thread, the same one, we had not forget, hi Kyle morgan:))