View Full Version : Just need to talk
08-04-2015, 02:33 PM
No anxiety problems today, but I need to share with someone and I don't want to worry anyone unnecessarily so I will let yall ya need that, but I need to at least tell someone. First I am not a worst I let things go to long before seeing a Dr. Just recently had some blood work done, I got the results today my PSA test numbers came back high for someone my age, Dr has already referred me to a Urologist, I'm just waiting on the appt. time. I am not really worried no need, it will be what it will be, just needed to let someone know or say it out loud.
08-04-2015, 11:22 PM
I track my psa every three months. One random high test wouldn't send me into a tailspin. Two might!
08-07-2015, 07:42 AM
I track my psa every three months. One random high test wouldn't send me into a tailspin. Two might!
It appears it has risen significantly since test last year. I'm trying to get the previous number now from Dr so I know how much it rose. The thing that is bothering me is Urologist office has not called to set up appointment yet, I have hangups about time, just ready to get more test so I no what to expect or not. I prefer to be an informed patient so I already have an idea of what to expect, and what to expect if PC is found and treatment options. I just like to be prepared.
Just another note my prostrate has been enlarged for at least last ten problems than I started multiple trips to bathroom at a younger age than most.
08-07-2015, 12:54 PM
I hope everything is ok. My daughter is a lab technician and PSA often have false readings so don't rely on just one result. Have a second test to confirm the number. I hope you can see a urologist asap. It sounds like you have been monitoring a long time so you are doing all you can do. Best of luck my friend. Please report back
08-07-2015, 02:15 PM
I hope everything is ok. My daughter is a lab technician and PSA often have false readings so don't rely on just one result. Have a second test to confirm the number. I hope you can see a urologist asap. It sounds like you have been monitoring a long time so you are doing all you can do. Best of luck my friend. Please report back
Finally urologist called, I have an appointment on 18th for additional testing...I feel better knowing that I have the appt. now.
Finally urologist called, I have an appointment on 18th for additional testing...I feel better knowing that I have the appt. now.
How high was your PSA and what were the prior readings? If you have an enlarged prostate, your increased PSA may be due to BPH rather than prostate cancer. Larger prostates tend to produce more PSA. That is why doctors measure PSA density. You might also want to measure free psa. I'm sure your urologist will go over all this. Good luck.
08-18-2015, 09:44 AM
How high was your PSA and what were the prior readings? If you have an enlarged prostate, your increased PSA may be due to BPH rather than prostate cancer. Larger prostates tend to produce more PSA. That is why doctors measure PSA density. You might also want to measure free psa. I'm sure your urologist will go over all this. Good luck.
Thanx I go today for more testing, I would be lieing if I said I was not anxious and nervous. All I know is my last PSA 2 weeks ago was a 3.7 it had risen enough to concern my GP to send me to urologist for additional test. i do not know any prior numbers as i switched GPS earlier this year, and all my files are not online yet. Prostate has been slightly enlarged for a number of years...frequent trips to restroom at night. I am 49 soon to 50. There is a history of PC in family, My Moms brother a couple of years ago//I guess he was about 65 or so and grandfather...had prostate problems. in his 60s..I really don't know what his problem was, but he ended up being incontinent after some sort of prostate procedure, he's will be 91 this month. Prior to last 2 generation, most men in my family died in there 40-50s, so i have no info on them, except they all died of strokes.
I will just be glad when results come back so I can get a game plan together if needed.
Thanx I go today for more testing, I would be lieing if I said I was not anxious and nervous. All I know is my last PSA 2 weeks ago was a 3.7 it had risen enough to concern my GP to send me to urologist for additional test. i do not know any prior numbers as i switched GPS earlier this year, and all my files are not online yet. Prostate has been slightly enlarged for a number of years...frequent trips to restroom at night. I am 49 soon to 50. There is a history of PC in family, My Moms brother a couple of years ago//I guess he was about 65 or so and grandfather...had prostate problems. in his 60s..I really don't know what his problem was, but he ended up being incontinent after some sort of prostate procedure, he's will be 91 this month. Prior to last 2 generation, most men in my family died in there 40-50s, so i have no info on them, except they all died of strokes.
I will just be glad when results come back so I can get a game plan together if needed.
Ask the urologist if he thinks a free psa test or PHI ("Prostate Health Index") would be helpful, in determining whether to bx or not. You could also ask him whether PCA3 would be helpful. Some docs use it; others don't. There are some other "early detection" tests that are also available, though less commonly used -- such as this one:
Also, you might want to ask whether the urologist uses MRI technology. The MRI is emerging technology that can be used to determine whether and where in the prostate to bx. If you are interested, I can tell you more about this, off line -- or you can just ask your doc.
If you do need a bx, ask what the doc does to reduce pain. Some say the bx is just a minor nuisance. Others say it hurts. The minimum pain relief should be lidocaine gel and injection. Some docs will also give you a valium (or the like), to reduce anxiety. And although it is not super common, mostly I think for cost reasons, there are docs who will do a prostate bx under sedation (perhaps versed + fentanyl). That would be my choice, personally.
PSA 3.7 is certainly higher than typical for your age, but it could be caused by BPH. So it is far from certain that you have prostate cancer. But you are doing the right thing by getting it checked out.*
* None of this is medical advice. I am not qualified to give medical advice. These are just ideas to discuss with a doctor.
08-18-2015, 05:24 PM
Ask the urologist if he thinks a free psa test or PHI ("Prostate Health Index") would be helpful, in determining whether to bx or not. You could also ask him whether PCA3 would be helpful. Some docs use it; others don't. There are some other "early detection" tests that are also available, though less commonly used -- such as this one:
Also, you might want to ask whether the urologist uses MRI technology. The MRI is emerging technology that can be used to determine whether and where in the prostate to bx. If you are interested, I can tell you more about this, off line -- or you can just ask your doc.
If you do need a bx, ask what the doc does to reduce pain. Some say the bx is just a minor nuisance. Others say it hurts. The minimum pain relief should be lidocaine gel and injection. Some docs will also give you a valium (or the like), to reduce anxiety. And although it is not super common, mostly I think for cost reasons, there are docs who will do a prostate bx under sedation (perhaps versed + fentanyl). That would be my choice, personally.
PSA 3.7 is certainly higher than typical for your age, but it could be caused by BPH. So it is far from certain that you have prostate cancer. But you are doing the right thing by getting it checked out.*
* None of this is medical advice. I am not qualified to give medical advice. These are just ideas to discuss with a doctor.
After waiting an hour past my appointment time, I finally saw urologist, his first words were I look to healthy o be there. Anyway after the exam, he thinks I have a prostate infection, I have to take Cipro for next 60 days, then have my PSA checked again. I'm breathing easier now.
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