View Full Version : Advice needed

08-03-2015, 10:07 PM
Hi everyone! I am new to the website and thought this would be the perfect place to turn to in a time of need.

So I suffer from GAD and agoraphobia. I sometimes need to escape a situation or place if I begin to have a panic attack. And I understand that it is a hassle for my parents but I don't have a car. I feel like they think I do this on purpose. I can hear them complain to their friends about having to deal with me and my anxiety. And obviously that is upsetting because they do not understand the pain my anxiety can cause me. I have been to 2 different therapists and I haven't felt comfortable with either of them and asked to switch. I was allowed to switch the first time, but after I asked to switch the second time I just stopped going. They told me that I "can't just keep switching therapists for fun. It costs money!". I feel like they believe my anxiety is a bigger burden on them than it is on me. They try to help sometimes with the GAD and panic attacks but they do not understand so they stop trying.

Any advice would help.
Thanks <3

08-04-2015, 01:28 PM
Hi everyone! I am new to the website and thought this would be the perfect place to turn to in a time of need.

So I suffer from GAD and agoraphobia. I sometimes need to escape a situation or place if I begin to have a panic attack. And I understand that it is a hassle for my parents but I don't have a car. I feel like they think I do this on purpose. I can hear them complain to their friends about having to deal with me and my anxiety. And obviously that is upsetting because they do not understand the pain my anxiety can cause me. I have been to 2 different therapists and I haven't felt comfortable with either of them and asked to switch. I was allowed to switch the first time, but after I asked to switch the second time I just stopped going. They told me that I "can't just keep switching therapists for fun. It costs money!". I feel like they believe my anxiety is a bigger burden on them than it is on me. They try to help sometimes with the GAD and panic attacks but they do not understand so they stop trying.

Any advice would help.
Thanks <3

You need to stay with one therapist and let them help you. They know more than us. Are you on any meds?

08-04-2015, 05:53 PM
You need to stay with one therapist and let them help you. They know more than us. Are you on any meds?

I am on Lexapro and have been for a year. It significantly helped me.