View Full Version : Keeping a positive mood when studying

08-03-2015, 11:23 AM
Hi guys this is my first post on here,
I am in my last week of my summer school class in college and I am having such a hard time keeping a positive mood when doing my work. I start thinking about all of these negative thoughts and it starts to go in a downward spiral. It then takes me twice as long to do my reading or studying because I am not able to concentrate. I was just asking if anyone has any tips or things they do to help keep focused and keep a positive mood when needing to get school work done?
I have tried stepping away from the situation for a little bit and have tried thinking only of positive things. But both have not been too successful.

08-03-2015, 11:33 AM
I used to be just like you when I was in school. The same exact symptom! I never knew why or what it was from, though. Now it makes a lot more sense.

Honestly, I never found a way to get over it- besides realizing that it HAD to be done. I didn't buckle down and start doing it until I was told I was not going to graduate until I tried harder. The panic of not graduating high school won over the panic from doing the assignments.

Turn on some music that relaxes you, and push through it. You will feel more accomplished after and less anxiety will follow later.

good luck

09-07-2015, 03:49 AM
To be in a positive mood while studying. I will advise you to read inspiring books, listen to inspiring podcasts, plan the activities you want to do on weekends and wake up early.

09-11-2015, 05:00 PM
Think about how good you'll feel if you get the work done is key. Studying even when you don't want to is a big accomplishment. Disciplining yourself is a big accomplishment. Putting one foot in front of the other, especially when you don't want to, is commendable. You can do it, Glamorous 8!