View Full Version : Travelling Alone & With Anxiety

08-02-2015, 08:57 PM
(Disclaimer: I apologize if this is in the wrong category, new member!)

I haven't traveled by plane in years. I may possibly be going on a trip, and if it works out, I will be going by myself to entirely new place. This, for me and I'm sure for others, is a huge trigger for anxiety. I'm trying to cope with the act of being alone by itself, but I find that my anxiety lies in the process itself. Not having been in an airport for years, I kind of completely forgot the process. This might be really odd to ask, but can someone explain the process to me, especially since I'll be travelling only with a carry-on? My anxiety really stems from not having a plan, so I need step-by-step directions when I do things alone especially for the first time. Any other tips for a first time travelling alone traveler?

Thanks : )

08-04-2015, 09:00 AM
Hey, I travel alone quite often, find I have less anxiety if I'm alone. Airports are easy, especially if you are using a carry-on. Check in at counter, go through security, wear easy shoes to get on and off. I wear sandals with socks. LOL those planes can be cold. When you arrive just follow the signs to were you need to be....if you get confused they have people there to show you were to go. It really is easy. I flew last year for first time in 20 years...so I was a newbie again...I would do it again in a minute. Enjoy your Trip.