View Full Version : DIagnosed at 11 with GAD.. i'm 30 now. Will I ever get better?
08-02-2015, 06:22 PM
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 11 although I think I probably had it before then. I'm 30 now and don't seem to see an end in sight. I feel my anxiety is holding me back, in my career, with friends and also with family and in many different ways. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't feel it, except perhaps when i'm on holiday - although a permenent holiday isn't really a long term solution, nor should it be!
My anxiety manifests itself as butterflies in my stomach - constantly.
I've been on meds several times and also had various counselling. Tried meditation and breathing techniques (albeit not for a long period). At the moment my anxiety is quite bad and there isn't really a trigger.. it is however preventing me from sleeping properly and in turn this is making me unable to concentrate, articulate properly and just generally function well. I'm worried it's going to affect my career and i'll end up going off sick. I really really don't want to..
Any advice, help or simply an acknowledgement that i'm not alone would help right now. I'm so tired of it
08-02-2015, 10:34 PM
Hi sparkie and welcome,
I've had anxiety pretty much my whole life too and I'm 41 now. I still get it but I handle it way better. If you can recognise your thought patterns ie. catch yourself worrying, you can intervene and actually learn how to worry less. I've done a lot of reading on mindfulness and realised what a complete waste of time and energy worrying is. This and some heavy life experience has made me more chilled about things. I also highly recommend diaphragmatic breathing.
Check out anything by Dr Claire Weekes too.
Gypsy x
08-03-2015, 11:28 AM
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 11 although I think I probably had it before then. I'm 30 now and don't seem to see an end in sight. I feel my anxiety is holding me back, in my career, with friends and also with family and in many different ways. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't feel it, except perhaps when i'm on holiday - although a permenent holiday isn't really a long term solution, nor should it be!
My anxiety manifests itself as butterflies in my stomach - constantly.
I've been on meds several times and also had various counselling. Tried meditation and breathing techniques (albeit not for a long period). At the moment my anxiety is quite bad and there isn't really a trigger.. it is however preventing me from sleeping properly and in turn this is making me unable to concentrate, articulate properly and just generally function well. I'm worried it's going to affect my career and i'll end up going off sick. I really really don't want to..
Any advice, help or simply an acknowledgement that i'm not alone would help right now. I'm so tired of it
Hey there :)
Personally, I am not sure there is really a "cure" for anxiety. Even medications aren't cures they just help you deal with the symptoms of anxiety. Therapy is said to be helpful to some but I never got much out of it.
I want you to do something.. What things have you learned over the years with your anxiety? I'm sure being diagnosed at such a young age you have had a lot of time to know you anxiety inside out! Think of all the accomplishments you have made regardless of your anxiety. Focus on the positive instead of the negative, the negative is all your anxiety wants you to think about... but I am sure you have a come along ways since 11 years old and just need to remember that.
I have had anxiety/depression about 5 years now. Am I cured? Ha, no. But I am in a MUCH better place than I was 5 years ago. It's progress day by day, even if I make mistakes here and there.. Just always keep trying to do better, and you will.
08-05-2015, 08:21 PM
Hi, thanks for your reply.
I'm not sure I have really learnt much except particular situations and surroundings can trigger it more than others. I have made quite a few accomplishments though which I tend to forget, thank you for reminding me :)
I think i am guilty of not trying enough and managing my anxiety in negative ways such as drinking alcohol! I feel that I just don't have time to focus on anything to reduce stress and then my anxiety just builds and builds to the point where I am now - off work and unable to sleep.
Glad to hear you have made progress, you have given me hope :)
08-05-2015, 08:23 PM
Thanks for the tips Gypsy, I'm familiar with mindfulness but haven't practised it properly. Will look into Clare Weekes aswell!
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