View Full Version : Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Kayleigh Adams
08-01-2015, 05:21 PM
Hey, my name's Kayleigh, i'm fairly new here.

I'm having quite a lot of trouble with my anxiety. I'm finding myself worrying everyday and it's having a massive impact on my work life.

I'm currently off work due to my anxiety and feel like I can't go back. I'm absolutely dreading it. I always feel like this when I have a longer period than usual off work, but this time I feel a lot worse. Everyday is getting closer to the day that i'm due to go back in, but I know in my head that I'm not going to be going back.

But yet, I find myself tooing and froing between not going back and going back in. I feel like I should be resting, because I am off sick, but when I don't feel worried, I feel guilty because I feel like I'm lying, if you know what I mean? I just cannot stop worrying.

My last shift at work didn't really end to well. I went in for a night shift and just couldn't be there, as much as I tried and pushed through, I just couldn't stay. I started work at 8pm and was in work until around 10:30pm. From the second I got there I was worrying, I felt depressed, I really did not want to be there. I attempted to do my work, but just couldn't, I had too much on my mind. I kept having to go to the toilets because I couldn't stop crying, I felt awful. I was messaging my manager to see if I could go home, even though I was still unsure of whether or not I was going to go. Then the guy I was working with turned round and said "Look, if you're going home, just go home. Stop wasting time, there's work that needs to be done", he said something else which I can't remember, but it really hurt my feelings. From someone who suffers from depression themselves, you'd think they'd be a little more sympathetic. Since then I haven't been back into work. (Signed off)

I honestly have been feeling that this job isn't right for me for a while, I was going to hand my notice in a month or so ago and now i'm at this point. I really don't know what I should do, cause this will leave me jobless and I have bills to pay. With the stress of travel and having days that start at 5am and end at 8:30pm are exhausting, the night shifts are even worse. It's completely messed up my sleep pattern, now i'm constantly catching up on sleep.

I've not yet fully spoken to my manager yet, I wanted some advice before I confronted her.

I've been struggling to figure out what's going on in my head. I've been reading about Generalized Anxiety Disorder and feel like it fits with my situation. I'm going to mention this to my doctor on Monday. If anyone suffers from this any medication advice would be appreciated!

I'm sorry to rant on, I probably could have wrote a bit more but I don't want to bore you...

Any help would be appreciated... :)

08-01-2015, 05:45 PM
I would try and secure a new job before you pack your current one in as you mentioned, bills to pay and finding work these days can be tough.

As for GAD, it's not actually that big of a deal, once you understand and recognize it can't harm you physically. The trick is not to worry about it, to accept it for what it is and to carry on with your day with a smile on your face.

In time it will pass, but you mustn't expect a quick recovery. If your body want's to be anxious, then let it be anxious and just carry on as best you can. Try not to feed the anxiety with the fear, anxiety fear cycle.

Read up with some Claire Weeks, when you lose your fear, anxiety loses its hold over you.