View Full Version : Can anxiety make you daft?

07-31-2015, 10:59 AM
I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for a bit of help or advice
I'm a guy in my mid twenties, the past 12 -18 months ive noticed a dramatic change in my behaviour. I used to be very care free, calm and relaxed person, how things have changed. I suffer from overthinking, I overthink a lot about everything, mainly what people are thinking about me and what people say to me. A lot of things people say to me or the way they speak to me I think there is a underlying meaning. For example if someone speaks to me in a certain tone I think I've done something to upset them and go over what I've previous said to them to find an answer.
I'm also VERY self aware, and I consider myself to be quite switched on but this has changed a lot. I make stupid mistakes, say stupid things and do stupid things, my brain can't seem to absorb anything, and I really have to concentrate on anything and this is where slight ocd comes in also as I have to check things a lot now over and over to make sure I'm not doing anything stupid. My self esteem has hit rock bottom particulary in work, because I'm making and doing silly things, people laugh and make fun, and it makes me not say anything thus bringing down my confidence. When I'm doing stuff in work, I have constant anxiety, heart palpitations, sometimes light headness and shaking, this causing me to get confused easily and forgetful. When I get home I fall asleep because I'm exhausted, the anxiety stays with me sometimes if a little less. im trying to pin point what has triggered this but I'm struggling although I have had a few traumatic times in my past, but I don't think this is related. Maybe I'm just stressed out?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

07-31-2015, 11:15 AM
Claire Weekes called this "Brain Fag"

Basically your constant worrying has exhausted your brain, you need to stop worrying so much and relax and in time everything will balance itself out.

I suffer from overthinking too, I have a desire to understand almost everything, how something works, why something happened..etc

It's a skill to be able to tell yourself, "Hey, who cares" and just float on through..

Good luck to you my friend.