View Full Version : You Will Be OK

07-31-2015, 10:57 AM
Hi guys,

So over the past couple of months, I have been dealing with scary symptoms that randomly started up after a very stressful experience. These symptoms include but are not limited to:
•Muscle twitching
•Concentration issues
•Trouble reading/"dyslexia" symptoms
•Health Anxiety (worrying about MS, brain tumors, etc.)
•Poor self esteem
•Arm and leg tingling
•Heart palpitations
•Eyes feel like they're closing all the time
•Blurriness in one or both eyes occasionally

And the list goes on and on. The truth is, is that I was a wreck when all of this began. Ultimately, I believe that I triggered something after smoking some bad weed, and I ended up panicking the entire night and ended up depersonalizing. It cleared, and after a few weeks of being OK, it happened again, but this time with a BUNCH of symptoms. My biggest mistake would have to be Googling symptoms. It gave me awful health anxiety, and the anxiety honestly sticks around even when you don't feel anxious because you constantly are stressed that you may have MS, ALS, etc. The symptoms of anxiety are so common to these diseases and unless it is debilitating you most likely do not have it. If it is on and off you are most likely OK! I went to two doctors; one neurologist and one doctor, and they both told me I do not have MS or anything else and that stress, anxiety, depression, can do A LOT to your body. I have had tests done, blood taken, etc. I am fine :) My body is still stuck in overdrive and I still get the symptoms and even new ones. Yes I freak out but I remind myself that this anxiety can't hurt me.

I am telling you guys this because anxiety is AWFUL. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But we are all fighters and we will be OK. Take life one day at a time because worrying about the future causes more anxiety. I remember coming online and searching about anxiety and I just wanted to prove that I wasn't crazy and that I wasn't sick, etc. I'm writing this post to let you all know that you will be ok. This is only an obstacle in life and it makes us all so much stronger. Don't listen to people saying you might have MS, ALS, brain tumors, etc. due to your symptoms. If it randomly started up one day, you're honestly most likely 100% fine!

Anxiety is what you make of it. What has helped me so much has been going out and living my life, as hard as it can be at first it gets so much easier. The symptoms begin to go away as you keep yourself distracted. Sitting inside hurts you more than anything. I hope that this at least helps someone in the future and know that you are not alone and that anxiety can mimic basically any symptom. Don't freak out too much if there is a new symptom it is just anxiety trying to get the best of you.

Take care, Fam! Lots of love xoxo

07-31-2015, 11:38 AM
This all started months ago suddenly for me too. Even after tests were done (emergency room, neurologist, etc..), I still believed there had to be something undetected. I had my first panic attack yesterday, and the paramedics came because I felt like I was dying and couldn't breathe. The paramedic automatically knew I was hyperventilating and talked me through it until I calmed down. After calming down I started putting all the puzzle pieces together. All these weird physical symptoms are anxiety. They feel so real and that's why they are so scary. I am now starting to accept it and just looking to continue on with my life.

07-31-2015, 12:55 PM
Good positive attitude there :)

I feel the same with all the usual symptoms, but then chest and arm pains threw me off :(

07-31-2015, 02:52 PM
Really like your post. You are absolutely right. At one point I became obsessed with curing it, and it made it so much worse. Forcing myself to live my life has helped immensely. Unfortunately, one cannot do that until they are truly ready.

07-31-2015, 05:30 PM
Good positive attitude there :)

I feel the same with all the usual symptoms, but then chest and arm pains threw me off :(

The memory problems that I have sometimes, constant muscle twitches, tingling arms and hands (especially when wind blows on them) and confusion are what get me! You're not alone! Just gotta keep your mind off of it :)