View Full Version : Is this anxiety? I really don't know....

07-30-2015, 06:57 PM
I've been dealing with bad headaches, lightheadedness, numbness in hands and feet, sometimes I feel like I'm bouncing while laying down, I also get these waves in my head -- feels like I may pass out or my brain has disconnected for a 3-5 seconds. At bed time, I jerk awake at least 5-6 times before I can actually fall asleep for good. Oh and I also get this crazy horrible intense pain behind my nose. It's absolutely excruciating at times. (but I have NO sinus issues--completely clear of congestion).

I've done every test under the sun. I've been dealing with all this stuff for 3 straight months from wake up till going to sleep. I'm trying to be a good mom (to two very young kids) meanwhile dealing with all these issues. I can not name anything that would give me anxiety. I don't think I feel "anxious" per se ... or panicked about anything. I just deal with the normal day to day stuff with being a stay at home mom to 2 kids.

The tests I've done is:
Auto-Immune blood test
B12 (that came back high)
Iron (came back a tad low--but said it wouldn't cause these issues)

Ya, I think that's it LOL.

Tell me your thoughts?! Do you have anxiety and feel the same thing??

My MRI did come back with a remark of: 2 foci of increased T2 signal in the left frontal white matter. But they add "doubtful significance". And the impression was "Negative MRI no abnormal enhancement"

My Neuro wrote me off as just having Migraines. Meanwhile, I get headaches but I attribute them to my dizziness .. not the other way around. I get dizzy then the headache hits. If that makes sense.

Oh my sorry it's so long. This is my first post ever.

07-30-2015, 11:54 PM
I don't understand how a DR can't tell you yes that is anxiety. Or no it is not anxiety is has to be for another reason? When I get all freaked out when I see blood and I get faint and dizzy and whatever else and flip out and all these things happen I'm not sure if something is wrong with me. But my DR. told me that it's anxiety.

07-30-2015, 11:55 PM
Like I will really almost faint. Everything turns grey and I get dizzy. And I realize this is a reaction to seeing it but seriously I almost faint over a tad of blood. SO.....Maybe I'm, not explaining it rite but truth be told I'm tired and have no patience. So, can't a DR tell you if that is ANXIETY?

07-30-2015, 11:56 PM
Oh wait I thought it was DUE to cutting myself by accident or something. I don't remember. Also. I'm trying to get in 10 posts so I can move up on the site.

07-31-2015, 02:54 PM
I guess no one knows. Ugh.

I posted here because all the doctors have wrote me off. They say "Migraine" or "anxiety issues".

Oh well, off to look for a different forum.

07-31-2015, 03:02 PM
Well the doctor has told you "Anxiety issues" so I would look further into that.

You may want to look into CBT and definitely some Claire Weekes reading material.

07-31-2015, 03:33 PM
Thx for your response. I guess I should clarify .. they didn't actually say "anxiety", they just said "You're fine, you're young, I'll see you back here in 3 months if you feel the same way". I got the "hint" that they think I'm making it up or have anxiety issues.

07-31-2015, 03:44 PM
Thx for your response. I guess I should clarify .. they didn't actually say "anxiety", they just said "You're fine, you're young, I'll see you back here in 3 months if you feel the same way". I got the "hint" that they think I'm making it up or have anxiety issues.

Your not alone there, I too was told pretty much the same thing.

What you describe in all probability is anxiety, symptoms can manifest themselves in a variety of ways and there are no hard set rules as to what those will be, they vary from person to person.

Likewise, what has triggered your anxiety state will be unique to you, it could be a single event that caused great stress, or it could have built up over time by perhaps suppressing something.

In either case, time is what you must give it in order to recover. The symptoms, while unpleasant, are perfectly natural bodily responses to elevated adrenaline levels, think fight or flight, except anxiety sufferers often experience this when no real danger is present.

Take comfort in the knowledge that you are in no danger from any of your physical symptoms, let them happen, do not try and stop them, and most importantly, do not fear them.

If your body want to be anxious, let it be anxious and carry on with your daily tasks with a smile safe in the knowledge that those anxious feelings and symptoms will pass in time.

The less you fight it, the easier it will get. You cannot fight your body, you will not win.

Your body is just doing what its supposed to.

So calm yourself, try and relax and unwind, and as I mentioned, read some Claire Weekes because that in itself is a comfort.

Good luck to you my friend.


07-31-2015, 04:10 PM
sorry i was so chatty i was trying to get my ten posts in. i had to make ten posts before i could do anything on the site. so anyways, i think i missed the part where the drs said its anxiety. in that case it probably is? altho drs can be wrong....

07-31-2015, 04:14 PM
it could be anything.

07-31-2015, 04:16 PM
Thx Mist, I went on Amazon and ordered 2 books from the lady you recommended.

I'm definitely willing to explore anxiety as my main problem. It sucks cuz everything feels so real. I have had events in my life happen that cause me depression, but it doesn't feel like something I'm doing to extreme, ya know? My mother passed away from cancer 7 years ago (I was only 29 at the time). So maybe that plays a role!? Who knows.

I'm going to try to live life without stressing about my ailments and see if they subside.

Usually when a doc says "everything is fine", my symptoms just disappear. This time is different...they just aren't going away. Ack.

Anyhow, thanks so much! :)

07-31-2015, 04:30 PM
That's great that you have some reading material on the way, well done you for taking control of your recovery.

I know how you feel and how confusing it can be, and not knowing what is happening to you can be so scary and it makes the situation worse.

Hopefully, the knowledge that what you are experiencing is perfectly normal under the circumstances will go some way to making you feel more at ease. I am certain you will find comfort in the words of Claire Weekes as so many others have done.

While you wait for your books, feel free to ask for coping techniques and advice as we are all here to help each other.

07-31-2015, 04:51 PM
Well, apparently I cannot respond to PM's because I don't have enough posts :-/ that's weird.

07-31-2015, 04:53 PM
Well, apparently I cannot respond to PM's because I don't have enough posts :-/ that's weird.

Yea I think it's ten? This site is quirky to say the least..:rolleyes:

07-31-2015, 05:02 PM
Yea I think it's ten? This site is quirky to say the least..:rolleyes:

Guess I can be quirky too! Ignore the next 4 posts ... so I can get my counts up. ha.

07-31-2015, 05:03 PM
Post 7 ... la la la

07-31-2015, 05:04 PM
Post 8 .... la la la

07-31-2015, 05:07 PM
Post 9 .... la la la

07-31-2015, 05:07 PM
Post 10.... la la la

Oh wait, it won't count..:D

07-31-2015, 05:08 PM
Okay ... I guess I should have checked out some other threads and posted on them. I just don't want to be that annoying person that really doesn't have anything insightful to say. But, perhaps I could be of help to someone. Guess I'll go wander outside of my comfort zone :P

07-31-2015, 05:21 PM
Okay ... I guess I should have checked out some other threads and posted on them. I just don't want to be that annoying person that really doesn't have anything insightful to say. But, perhaps I could be of help to someone. Guess I'll go wander outside of my comfort zone :P

That's the spirit. I never liked the term "comfort zone" because in reality it provides no comfort at all, if anything it's more like a prison cell. Only when we venture outside of our "comfort zone" are we able to grow, in character and in strength.

Learn to embrace your fears and look forward to new adventures.

Remember, there are no such things as problems, only challenges, and challenges can always be overcome..;)

07-31-2015, 06:30 PM
That's the spirit. I never liked the term "comfort zone" because in reality it provides no comfort at all, if anything it's more like a prison cell. Only when we venture outside of our "comfort zone" are we able to grow, in character and in strength.

Learn to embrace your fears and look forward to new adventures.

Remember, there are no such things as problems, only challenges, and challenges can always be overcome..;)

Ya, I guess you're right. Comfort zone just means hermit :) ha ha. I tend to be one of those. Eek!

08-01-2015, 01:10 PM
Hmph, today my nose hurts & I'm still dizzy.

I've done 3 loads of laundry today & now I have a headache & I'm more dizzy than usual. I keep thinking "There's got to be something wrong with me! The doctors must be missing something".

I went as far as googling "Sinus pain with no congestion" ... it recommended taking some Steroid sinus spray. I actually have some flonase from my last sinus infection back in March. So I squirted it up there. It provides no help of course. Grrrr. I just want to feel better :(((((((((((

08-01-2015, 01:23 PM
Hmph, today my nose hurts & I'm still dizzy.

I've done 3 loads of laundry today & now I have a headache & I'm more dizzy than usual. I keep thinking "There's got to be something wrong with me! The doctors must be missing something".

I went as far as googling "Sinus pain with no congestion" ... it recommended taking some Steroid sinus spray. I actually have some flonase from my last sinus infection back in March. So I squirted it up there. It provides no help of course. Grrrr. I just want to feel better :(((((((((((

Please don't google symptoms, it will always return the worst possible results and only increase your anxiety levels. This is all caused because of your constant worry and mulling it over in your head.."what if its this" "what if its that" is not good for you.

If the doctors have checked you over and given you the physical all clear, then you can pretty much rest easy that you have nothing seriously wrong with you. Do not expect a quick fix either, it takes time for this level of anxiety to set in, it will take time to recover too. It will happen, your body just needs to find it's balance again.

Do not let your desire to feel better take you away from the moment or else you will become a prisoner in your own body. It knows what it's doing so just allow it to do it, no matter how uncomfortable the symptoms.

I have ringing in my ears, tight chest, sore eyes and the shakes right now as i'm typing, but It doesn't bother me as I know these sensations will pass soon and as long as I keep a smile on my face, they always do.

Stay strong.

08-01-2015, 02:19 PM
Ya, I know you're right ... but my brain keeps fighting with me. I keep noticing the light headed/dizzy feeling comes on when I turn my head sometimes. Not like vertigo though ... because it doesn't happen while standing, just when I'm laying down and there's pressure on my neck.

Dang it! I wish I could just ignore them. My nose feels good now .. weird ... psychological? Or the nose spray? Idk. We'll see how long it lasts for.

Do you ever feel like .. "I'm too young to feel this sh*tty?" Because I see people my age that still go clubbing & partying. The thought of either of those makes me wanna puke.

I just want to get back to my old self ... Argh. Okay, I'm just rambling. Sorry sorry :/

08-01-2015, 02:22 PM
I'm old so no..:D

Been there and done all that malarkey.., id much rather stay at home and troll kids on tinterweb googlebox..LOL

Just kidding..#dontfeedthetroll

08-01-2015, 02:33 PM
I'm old so no..:D

Been there and done all that malarkey.., id much rather stay at home and troll kids on tinterweb googlebox..LOL

Just kidding..#dontfeedthetroll

Gosh if you're old, I'm ancient Ahhhhhh.

PS-I'm older :P

08-06-2015, 04:59 PM
So I'm calling the doctor tomorrow. I can't take these headaches and dizziness.

Now, when I eat or even talk, I start spinning. Nothing helps it. I keep saying "it's just anxiety" but it's not going away or lessening. I woke up with it something terrible today. I'm convinced there's some sort of nerve problem. CT/MRI's won't show that. And since the doc wrote me off, she never went further with me. Makes me so mad. I can't function today. Which is not good cuz my kid starts school next week and I gotta be on top of my game.

Ack what could this be????!! My eyeball kills too. Just the left side. 😖