View Full Version : Does Depression Get Better? - Mixed Anxiety

07-26-2015, 07:53 PM
Okay, so I've been in this rut lately and by now, if you've saw any of my other posts, you already know that it's somewhat "normal" for me to experience these June & July, two months or so, "episodes" where my world is consumed by anxiety, etc. Anyway, on to the point, I've seen improvement, I have hope, but here recently, while the anxiety is still there, I've been getting hit with what seems to be a bigger problem, depression. It seems to be coming every other day, in waves almost. Is it normal to experience strong depressive waves while coming "down" or "out" of an episode of anxiety? I am normally not a depressed person even though I do have my moments like anyone else. Yes, there is stress in my life, but normally I can cope just fine. So I'm assuming the depression is a result of the constant anxiety/worry. So my question is, for one, is this normal? And for two, does depression get better? Sometimes I just feel like all my energy both mentally and physically is completely zapped, my outlook is grim, I feel sad, hopeless, bummed out. To sum it up, like sh**... it's strange because although yesterday was "normal" or "perfect" it was MUCH better, now this again. Are these cycles apart of coming out of this state of mind? Thanks to anyone who answers in advance.

-On a side note, my worries that come along with my anxiety aren't something I can "fix" because they're silly worries blown way up. Worried about my future, what am I gonna do about this, what am I gonna do about that, stuff that normal people worry about, we all do, but handle just fine. I know these worries will pass because I've seen improvement on them and I know my decision making and logical thinking will be restored with the anxiety dies down, I am just worried about this depression.

07-29-2015, 12:17 AM
Why June and July? Timing of episodes of anxiety and depression interests me. Is there a past event that you remember and sets off an episode? Is it because you remember your last episode was June/July so it's on your mind and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy? Does weather change or daylight hours affect you like SAD ?

Any thoughts on this aspect of the disorder?