View Full Version : Constant fears

07-26-2015, 05:45 PM
Hey guys
So I haven't written on this forum in over a year
I've gotten worse in the past year. My panic an fears have kept me from driving for 3 years already I'm 27 an feel like my years are being wasted in suffering my almost 4 year old is house bound and it's my fault because I constantly have to faint 24/7 my CBT therapist is trying to work with me and I m just not believing! Im really scared I'm developing fears I've never had the what if I actually go crazy what if I become so depressed I become suicidal I'm a mom moms are suppose to be strong! Moms aren't suppose to have fears I'm just feeling really awful right now and can only feel like I will be like this forever. I would love to know if there's anyone who was once in my situation an now lives a normal happy life.

07-26-2015, 06:20 PM
Hi Stephanie,

I wouldn't call my life normal or happy lol, but it isn't ruled by fear anymore. Anxiety can be absolutely debilitating, I know, but all it is is a natural mechanism (fight or flight) gone haywire. It's not what it makes itself out to be and you won't go crazy from it. If you could go crazy from anxiety I would be locked up in a mental institution right now.

Understanding what happens to the body and mind under stress is key. Once you de-mystify anxiety it loses a lot of its power.

All the best,
Gypsy x

07-27-2015, 11:51 AM
Fear and panic certainly have had a grip on me, but it doesn't rule me anymore. Anxiety and fear can be paralyzing and make you feel very down. I agree with Gypsylee on trying to understand what happens to your mind and body under stress. You can start by keeping a journal about your thoughts daily so you can see some patterns. You can discuss this with your therapist. I also would look for something to write down in your journal that you are grateful for. Just one thing a day can help you as well.

I found that group therapy and daily relaxation training worked well for me. I also subscribed to the (Awaken to a New Life Newsletter
The newsletter has a lot of actionable steps for me to take which moved me along.

Keep Moving Forward,

07-27-2015, 05:14 PM
Stephanie, it's impossible for any mother to not have fears. And it's not your fault that you have fears.

Also, I think it's great that you're seeing a therapist, even if you haven't had a lot of success with CBT therapy. The fact that you're seeing a therapist indicates emotional strength, to me.