View Full Version : Strabismus & Anxiety: Anyone else?

07-25-2015, 12:34 AM
Anyone else out there with strabismus or vision issues that contribute and/or cause your anxiety and related phobias?

My strabismus is barely noticeable on a cosmetic-level, though at different stages in life it has made me slightly self-conscious looking people in the eye and interacting socially etc.

On another level, my poor depth perception also factors into my fear of driving/ocd about getting into an accident. Even with corrective lenses my ability to calibrate distance sucks. Hence, other driving fears -- like being on the highway surrounded by semi's. Panic attack. The thought makes my brain implode!

Anyway, I'm interested to hear about how you manage your vision problems with relation to stress and anxiety. What do you do to overcome it? In what unique ways does it affect your anxiety?

Thanks for reading and sharing! : )