View Full Version : Cherry

07-24-2015, 05:54 AM
Things have been going so well for me of late. My anxiety and depression has reduced significantly and symptoms are no longer chornic 24/7 problems. In fact I only get a handful of short lasting symptoms a day at most. My ESA benefitsa for disability were cancelled so I signed on for JSA (job seekers allowance) and spent 1.5 weeks job hunting. I got several offers. One for a carer job and then, the other day I got an interview for a job I initially wanted prior to the carer job.

I interviewed for said job yesterday and they rang me 30 mins later, literally the second I parked outside my home to offer me the job! I start 3rd of August. My girlfriend has been offered a new job at her fav restaurant and she's really happy.

But the cherry on top came today. My old best friend from school who's never had an online profile or presence added me on Facebook. We haven't met in 7 years. He and I were very similar, went to the same school for years, went off the rails with drugs and suffered the consequences. Now, after all this time we're back in contact. I honestly couldn't be happier. We're meeting up for the day tomorrow and needless to say i'm over the moon.

I never would've expected things to go my way so much a few years ago. I used to suffer with chronic anxiety symptoms and a never ending array of fears, worries and panic attacks. There were many times I simply wanted to give up as life had lost all it's flavour and felt unnervingly meaningless. Waking up with a head full of worries, getting through the day with constant and ever changing pains and symptoms and going to bed so anxious and riled up I was convinced I wouldn't wake up the next day. But I did, day after day, week after week, month after month. 5 years is a long time when you live like that each day. But if I could go back and eradicate my anxiety and the 5 years endured I wouldn't. I am a stronger person having got through that journey. Anxiety, to my mind, is your mind and body instigating change.


07-24-2015, 05:56 AM
I'm so pleased things are on the up for you my friend, this is great news indeed, and long may it continue..:D

07-24-2015, 08:26 AM
I'm so happy and pleased that you've made such great progress. Always be grateful for everything.


07-24-2015, 12:08 PM
Is is great things are finally coming together. It won't always be perfect, but it sure is nice when you can breathe a little and enjoy the present. Blessings to you!