View Full Version : Sertraline Help

07-24-2015, 04:43 AM
I've been taking Sertraline since November Last year, I started on a 50mg tablet and only a few months ago i requested to be put on 100mg as i felt 50mg wasn't working at all.
I had read up online before deciding to go on these tablets and to my understanding you should start on the lowest mg tablet and slowly work your way up to the highest dose, then work your way down again when you are coming off them. Does anyone here get given their tablets this way?
As the first Doctor i saw had only recently qualified as a doctor and i felt she didn't really know what she was doing, she has no left my doctors surgery. The Doctor i'm seeing now wants to take me off my tablets, but i feel i'm not ready yet, as well as thinking they've hardly worked, if not at all. I haven't taken my tablets the way i have read constantly read online, and am confused if i am being give them correctly.