View Full Version : Fed Up vent

07-23-2015, 12:04 PM
Just been on edge a bit, very irritable and very short with my patience..could be lack of sleep...I sleep but wake-up tired. I have had my fill of cell phones...personally I hate them! Last night I was invited to hang out with a friend and and some people he knew while bowling. Just something to do. They start bowling, but in-between frames everyone has their nose glued to their phone playing some game or texting someone else. Very RUDE, IMO. After 20 minutes of this I left, said I was tired. Cell phones are big reason for the downfall of civilized society IMO. I'm done now rant over.

07-24-2015, 04:53 AM
I hear you. For me the problem is mostly interruptions. If they sit constantly with the phone, I can handle it. But if we are talking, and in the middle of the conversation they suddenly begin to text someone, that is annoying for me. I can't handle the change of attention all the time.

07-24-2015, 08:37 AM
I get it. We do live in a very distracted society. Cell phones...and especially texting are used EXCESSIVELY. I have this policy with friends and we all agree upfront when we go out that we will be 100% present with no cell phone use while we are dining. It makes a world of difference to have face to face authentic conversations with everyone present.....just the way it used to be. Try it.

Zen lover
"Either you run the day or the day runs you." Jim Rohn

07-24-2015, 04:55 PM
I have a love/hate relationship with cell phones.

I really do think people need to learn when it is appropriate or not to have their phones out...

talking to people face to face is so much more fun. I don't want to be telling you about something important while you stare at a damn screen.

I feel your pain..