View Full Version : Excsessive Yawning??

07-22-2015, 06:01 AM
Hi all
So over the past three days I've been yawning quite a lot. This had happened to me last month when I just kept yawning unless my mind was on something else. I looked it upon Dr.Google and all sorts came up such as MND and MS so now I'm in a real state. I'm 14 so I'm young but I still can't shake this. It does appear to only be when my mind is on yawning. If I have a distraction, I don't yawn, until I then yawn again and I just keep thinking about yawning. I can go hours without yawning until I yawn again and it sets the cycle off again. I have read that it can be anxiety, but I haven't feeling particularly anxious apart from this thing.

Do you think it's anything to worry about or is it just psychological?

07-22-2015, 06:15 AM
Ahh..Dr Google strikes agin, that was your first mistake. Try and avoid searching google if you have concerns about any health related issue to be honest, because it usually returns the worst possible results and will send you into a spin.

Yawning is just the bodies way getting more oxygen into your body, it's completely normal and nothing to worry about at all. Chances are you are just tired, probably from worrying about this, see the vicious cycle?

If your body wants to yawn, let it yawn and take heart in the fact that its perfectly normal. Your body knows what its doing and you dont have to do anything to try and alter it's natural patterns or even understand why it's doing what it's doing at any given time.

Now go and get some sleep.
