View Full Version : Looking for a friend

07-22-2015, 04:00 AM
Hi everyone,

It's pretty embarassing to admit, but i don't have a single friend in this world, of course i have family but they live a long way away from me and i never really get to see them, i'm pretty much on my own, and well i feel a bit lonely.

I try to make friends, i'm always polite and treat people with respect but for some reason people just don't seem to want to know me. My anxiety makes it hard for me to interact socially and what others find easy i find a real challenge.

I am making progress with my anxiety and working through my problems but some days when i'm alone and it's grey outside i just wish i could have a nice chat with someone, to get out of my own head for a while, ust to have some normailty.

I have a bit of a weird sense of humour so maybe people don't like that?

Anyway, im just putting it out there in case anyone out there feels the same and is looking for a friend, you can check my profile to read a bit more about me if you like.

Please don't mock me or take the p*** because that's not very nice.

I must go and wash my carrots now, but will be back on in a bit..:)

Thanks for reading, MiST!

07-22-2015, 04:32 AM
Dogs don't like cats...

I'm not sure if that disqualifies us as friends D:

07-22-2015, 05:20 AM
Maybe we could start a cat/dog revoloution? We have been enemies for too long! It's time for peace! :)

07-22-2015, 05:50 AM
There is hope, my dogs loved mine cats:)) Mist finding a friend , is a life long project. Our social anxiety does separate us from others. I have one friend left from a huge group of people........... I was a social butterfly and have tons of friends. I gave up. Most people are not making any effort to understand others. Loyalty is something that do not exist anymore............Let's hope you find someone here:))

07-22-2015, 06:54 AM
Your so right Dahila, maybe i should contact the crazy cat lady on Youtube, she would be my friend i'm sure of it..http://www.pic4ever.com/images/Laie_7.gif

07-22-2015, 07:19 AM
Hi everyone,

It's pretty embarassing to admit, but i don't have a single friend in this world, of course i have family but they live a long way away from me and i never really get to see them, i'm pretty much on my own, and well i feel a bit lonely.

I try to make friends, i'm always polite and treat people with respect but for some reason people just don't seem to want to know me. My anxiety makes it hard for me to interact socially and what others find easy i find a real challenge.

I am making progress with my anxiety and working through my problems but some days when i'm alone and it's grey outside i just wish i could have a nice chat with someone, to get out of my own head for a while, ust to have some normailty.

I have a bit of a weird sense of humour so maybe people don't like that?

Anyway, im just putting it out there in case anyone out there feels the same and is looking for a friend, you can check my profile to read a bit more about me if you like.

Please don't mock me or take the p*** because that's not very nice.

I must go and wash my carrots now, but will be back on in a bit..:)

Thanks for reading, MiST!

Visualize yourself out being friendly, at the market, or library, or perhaps knocking on a neighbors door and introducing yourself. You can also imagine yourself at work, asking someone if they would like to grab a bite to eat or whatever. Use your imagination as vividly as possible, see every detail, posture, mood, the setting.

These are just examples. The idea behind this 30 minute visualization is to see how you feel during it. Any obstacles psychologically, toward fulfillment, or conflicts that arise into awareness, such as false ideas about relationships, false beliefs or conditioned thoughts will surface through the feeling as words, showing you why you are secluded, so to speak (emotionally and physically). Then you can choose a different idea to hold, rather than the ones that limit your experience.

In simple terms, your false beliefs about yourself and others, life in general will become conscious through the stage play in your mind. Allowing realization perhaps as an epiphany for the first time, the reasons for your anxiety. And also the solutions to problems you have yet to truly face, or that remain unresolved.

You might find the problem belief "my anxiety stops me from having friends, or new experiences", "I am ashamed of myself, and undeserving of friendship, they wont understand me anyhow", or "I deserve to be alone", "if people see the real me they will turn away"

Now, again examples. Its a personal - inner - intimate process one needs to go at alone.

Do this exercise 15-30 minutes a day for 30 days.

** The way toward fulfillment of desires is to remove the mental blockages that stop their manifestation. You cannot fake it, there is no other known way. That's what life is about. Growth and expansion comes from first living the opposite of your dreams (what is termed 'suffering'), through which the desire is then born in you as you grow sick of the current conditions **.

This is not a long drawn out mental game, it could take a matter of moments to find, heal, and release, the beliefs that stand in your way, or the value judgments that create fear. This post of course applies to any reader in a similar position, or that is suppressing an issue because it is too painful, or they believe unable to 'fix'.

07-22-2015, 01:07 PM
Maybe we could start a cat/dog revoloution? We have been enemies for too long! It's time for peace! :)

Brb going to let the husky through the gate to where the cats are.

Ill just tell him to be peaceful.

This will work.


07-26-2015, 12:30 AM
Everyone needs friends. Especially when you only live nine times. #YOLNT


07-26-2015, 07:13 PM
^LOL. That cat has a friend around here somewhere.. ;)

MiST - you can be my friend. I'm a big fan of Grumpy Cat.

07-26-2015, 07:58 PM
Mist Gypsy is a pretty good person and full of spice:))
I like her very much :)

07-26-2015, 08:49 PM
Oooh I like spicy people :)

07-27-2015, 04:52 AM
I find that spicy people give me a sore throat if i eat to much of them..:p

07-27-2015, 07:25 AM
Yeah don't eat them...

07-27-2015, 07:48 AM
I as well was a very happy go lucky person, I had a lot of friends in high school, but if you were to look at me now you would say I don't have any. Thank goodness for my family though and I have a huge family so my framily has become my friends :) I am not saying that is a bad thing, but at the same time they must find it hard to understand me & this thing called anxiety :( they have never judged me which is great. But some days I would like to talk with someone who is t my family :) so I'm here to chat with as well as ll the other wonderful people on here :)

07-27-2015, 12:04 PM
Yes...you can be my friend. It's important to reach out.

Enjoy your day,

07-27-2015, 01:52 PM
Forgiveness is more rewarding and spans time better than the expectations we are dogmatically taught that define relationships. I find most upstanding terms associated with value and virtue no more than words designed to entice and control. Invested relationships ensue with an emotional roller coaster that winds up an addiction that creates and feeds a host of predispositions.

I fuck up a lot of the time, however I don't hold grudges and am quick to forgive. I find such traits much more valuable than most terms typically used to inform what determines friendship or not. My level of effort is often overshadowed by the amount of times I fall.

I get what you mean about Loyalty Dahila, but imo I can't help but think its a word best left to the Royal Family and all other patriotic establishments. Loyalty is a deceptive word that does more to harbor ill will; despite its claim to rewards and enrichment. Kindness and compassion that lends itself to forgive innumerable times is imo the key to relationships that not only last, but are more meaningful.

Whilst it may appear that some of us are on the same path, many of us are not. Most certainly, none of us should ever be bounded by terms that dictate one way or the other.

I hope in time that loyalty becomes less of an issue and that you will some day be more accepting of the imperfect me.

Best Wishes

07-27-2015, 08:09 PM
Oh Dave, :))
Have you ever had a dog? Dog's are loyal to owners even if they are abused and treated badly in general. This is what I think is loyalty. I think I am not wrong ; is that a beginning of conversation? I hope so, I hope so:)
I am accepting the "imperfect" you. I would never use the word of Imperfect. What is perfect? There is not norm...........;)

07-28-2015, 06:34 AM
Lol, yet another classic cop out term ... "Imperfect World" no matter what language you say these things in ... words often fail miserably. So true. TY for the clarification. No wrong or right fo me ... just feeling this for that. "I don't know". Famous John Kabat Zin phrase. ;)

07-28-2015, 06:41 AM
Back on topic:

So yea, if any new members or old members are looking for friends, feel free to add me..:)

07-28-2015, 03:39 PM
So sorry my dear friend ...

07-29-2015, 12:00 AM
Those of us with social anxiety often are difficult to befriend. I have many people who respect me, admire me, and some that envy me, yet my only friend is my spouse. I think that many successful people avoid social situations as a result of lifelong anxiety but that same anxiety also drives success. We are not great team players and must be 100% responsible for our results... because no one will come to our rescue. I am comfortable being accountable but despise episodes of "greater than normal" anxiety when I am not on top of my game

OP I hope you find this a friendly place. I recently registered to this forum after being a long time observer, as it seems to be a friendly place to share.

07-29-2015, 06:43 AM
Those of us with social anxiety often are difficult to befriend. I have many people who respect me, admire me, and some that envy me, yet my only friend is my spouse. I think that many successful people avoid social situations as a result of lifelong anxiety but that same anxiety also drives success. We are not great team players and must be 100% responsible for our results... because no one will come to our rescue. I am comfortable being accountable but despise episodes of "greater than normal" anxiety when I am not on top of my game

OP I hope you find this a friendly place. I recently registered to this forum after being a long time observer, as it seems to be a friendly place to share.

Some very interesting points there, i feel the exact same way.

07-30-2015, 11:45 PM
I openly admit I make a pretty craptastic friend. I'm the kind of friend that every now and then takes a hiatus from other people, dropping off the face of the earth for a few weeks, then jumps right back in as if nothing had happened. Gotta love social anxiety. It it were a plush toy it would be made out of fiberglass insulation. SO SNUGGLY!! Nonetheless, I would be quite glad to make a new friend. I have only a very select few myself (although i am currently Howard Hughes-ing it up, growing my fingernails out and disinfecting my Clorox bottles at the moment.)

Stay Awesome!

07-31-2015, 08:13 AM
To the guy who rated this thread two stars, I've got one thing to say:

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man

07-31-2015, 08:32 AM
To the guy who rated this thread two stars, I've got one thing to say:

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man

Well said sir..and also..


07-31-2015, 10:01 AM
A lot of us are in the same boat and we can get through it together :)

07-31-2015, 12:19 PM
Is not rated 2 anymore:))

07-31-2015, 12:34 PM
Is not rated 2 anymore:))

Dahila to the rescue..:cool:

07-31-2015, 06:45 PM
You found any friends yet, Mist?

Or are you like me where everyone thinks you are annoying outside the Internet?

07-31-2015, 06:47 PM
You found any friends yet, Mist?

Or are you like me where everyone thinks you are annoying outside the Internet?

People think i'm annoying on the internet too..:p

07-31-2015, 06:55 PM
Have you considered lying about who you really are whilst online?

I just tell everyone how successful I am and then I ask my mom what's for dinner

07-31-2015, 07:01 PM
Have you considered lying about who you really are whilst online?

I just tell everyone how successful I am and then I ask my mom what's for dinner
