View Full Version : Bed bugs?!

07-21-2015, 05:01 AM
I'm not even sure I have them. I've never seen bed bugs before. I saw two small crawling bugs and killed them pretty quickly. I texted my boyfriend, he said calm down because it's summer and bugs happen.

So I did calm down, until about 10 minutes ago when someone posted to Facebook a photo of a bedbug they found in their house. I think it looked like the bugs I killed but I can't remember and looking at more photos isn't helping me remember. I'm still at work (I work nights) and my boyfriends asleep at home. Do I rip the house apart like a freak over two bugs that may or may not be bed bugs?!

How did they even get into my house?! Does this mean I'm dirty? I've been working so much lately I haven't been as clean as I usually am and now I might have bed bugs.

I'm going to throw up.