View Full Version : Hello! New to the forums

07-21-2015, 03:13 AM
Hello everyone.

Been reading around the forums for a couple days and decided to make an account. This'll mostly be a way for me to vent, but I'd be interested to see if any of you feel the same way as me.

I've had problems with anxiety all my life, but in the past ~6 months it's gotten a lot worse. When I was younger (I'm 20 now) I'd get anxious over little things like storms and speaking in front of the class at school. But now I get extremely anxious over almost everything, and it's much more intense than it used to be. I can't get the meaninglessness of existence out of my head. Everything I do, everything I think about leads me into existential dread.

I was put on Zoloft a couple months ago, which has helped quite a bit. My suicidal ideation is mostly gone now, but I'm still crippled. I can't get any sort of enjoyment out of life at all.

I also have terrible social anxiety which has prevented me from going to college, having any sort of relationship with anyone, finding a better-paying job, and getting a drivers license. Sometimes I'm too afraid to order food at a restaurant or go down to the gym. In fact, I'm anxious about posting this.

Is there anyone else here who feels like this?

07-21-2015, 02:19 PM
Hello everyone.

Been reading around the forums for a couple days and decided to make an account. This'll mostly be a way for me to vent, but I'd be interested to see if any of you feel the same way as me.

I've had problems with anxiety all my life, but in the past ~6 months it's gotten a lot worse. When I was younger (I'm 20 now) I'd get anxious over little things like storms and speaking in front of the class at school. But now I get extremely anxious over almost everything, and it's much more intense than it used to be. I can't get the meaninglessness of existence out of my head. Everything I do, everything I think about leads me into existential dread.

I was put on Zoloft a couple months ago, which has helped quite a bit. My suicidal ideation is mostly gone now, but I'm still crippled. I can't get any sort of enjoyment out of life at all.

I also have terrible social anxiety which has prevented me from going to college, having any sort of relationship with anyone, finding a better-paying job, and getting a drivers license. Sometimes I'm too afraid to order food at a restaurant or go down to the gym. In fact, I'm anxious about posting this.

Is there anyone else here who feels like this?

Hi there! I would say what you're experiencing is very normal in my experience (I coach people with Anxiety) and suffered myself for a long time.

Aside from the medication what other support do you have at the moment ?

Like a Rolling Stone_25
07-21-2015, 02:32 PM
I Know how you feel. Im 25 and suffer with anxiety. Its gotten quite bad over the past month or so after I quit smoking weed. Ive always been an anxious person but it kind of got shielded through the smoking the past few years. do you have trouble sleeping and have periods of really low moods and low self esteem? I to find it hard to form meaningful relationships as im too scared of rejection. You aren't alone man keep your head high. :)

07-21-2015, 07:33 PM
Thanks for your replies.

I have a therapist I talk to periodically, but that's about it.

Yeah, I have terrible moods and self esteem. I'm also afraid of rejection, and of any sort of intimacy in general. Weed has definitely helped me too. :P

How else have you guys coped with it?