View Full Version : Windows 10 are you upgrading?
So Win 10 is almost upon us! who here is planning to upgrade to the new OS? If it follows Microsofts release pattern it should be quite good.
07-20-2015, 03:58 PM
I did register for a free upgrade
Yea me too. Im interested to see the new browser, IE has been a pain in the butt for way too long! Also cant wait to have my start button back..LOL
07-20-2015, 04:05 PM
I will do as I know DX12 will help optimize gaming which will be nice.
I will do as I know DX12 will help optimize gaming which will be nice.
Agreed that is a major benefit to the system. Fingers crossed developers add support sooner rather than later.
07-20-2015, 08:17 PM
I did register for a free upgrade
So did I, I just look for the information about it. I do not want to upgrade from my 7 and not to like it. People are talking about a catch with it. I wonder. Today I spend and hour or so (at work) looking for the answers.......
Well it's Microsoft so there's always a catch..LOL
I'm expecting paid service packs that will alter the OS in major ways.
07-20-2015, 08:28 PM
I also registered for a free upgrade. If the new version sucks I'll go back to Linux.
07-20-2015, 08:29 PM
After i hit accept i had a weird feeling as to whether i should have waited or not.
07-20-2015, 10:42 PM
John I had done it too, you will have a year to upgrade. I will wait some time and see what people say about it. It is going to be bloated on the start, I am sure of it. Then they fix the bugs and maybe, there is no catch,, I do not trust Microsoft, I use windows but they always trying to push something, the windows validation, tool? Remember that?
Free upgrade does not work for me if the service pack is not included:))
07-21-2015, 03:39 AM
I'm just now messing around with Windows 8.1, I've never used anything above Windows 7 until roughly two weeks ago.
07-21-2015, 05:17 AM
i figure if i don't like it i will just uninstall it and put 7 back on
i figure if i don't like it i will just uninstall it and put 7 back on
You hope! LOL
07-22-2015, 12:55 PM
Yeah I worry that if you install W10 you will not roll back to W7, :(
Yeah I worry that if you install W10 you will not roll back to W7, :(
Yea, i suppose you could always run a duel boot setup just incase Win10 sucks! then just format the drive to remove it..:)
But im trying to be optimistic, i have hopes that Microsoft has learned from it's mistakes.
Oh who am i's Microsoft! LOL!
07-22-2015, 03:47 PM
If you using a laptop, you will in all likely hood be able to roll back using a setup feature via a restart option. Typically using an F key in bios mode. OR in windows - (System Restore = keyboard shortcut → "Widows icon + S ... then type "System Restore") I find having no expectation woks best; especially when if comes to operating systems. Microsoft tends to have more issues than Apple, however imo has more room for freedom when it comes accessing more software and at more affordable prices.
Just my opinion - and I'll share more of it. There are many things come to mind when thinking on OS rolls outs.
"Before you become one of the billion that whine, moan and bitch" ... A few thoughts to consider:
It's a common mistake to upgrade without giving any thought to how old your computer is when installing a new operating system. Most people just upgrade with all kinds of expectations only to end up sorely disappointed for not having cindered.
Installing a new operating system without regard for the shell bearing the load, often ends up like a tiny car scrapping its ass on the road because of too much weight. It's not such an issue in the real word of mechanics, because the parts would not fit during instillation. With PCs we can install software that over burdens them. Why? As well as keeping the hive connected - it works into the unobservable phenomenon called obsoletion. The act of making something obsolete, in order to keep selling. Works perfectly with computers and software.
Srry - I don't mean to write a book ... it's early morning and I love this kind of topic and needed a change.
Installing the latest software on computers that do not have the recommended software can be rewarding for those few individuals who can tweak their systems and the software to work reasonable well without expectation ... however this in not for the wider community and will result in sales skyrocketing for the average PC user. Many of us geeks are self made from simply being not able to afford the cost of keeping up. Young and Old alike. The "Wiz Kid Scenario" is just yet another ploy to influencing many of us older ones to feel inadequate and that we must buy in order to keep up with the Jones ... yadda yadda. Kids who have money will just buy their way into the next levle - Wiz Kid Myth Busted. It's more about Need, Desire and Will.
Not a problem if you intent to buy after the release of WIN10 - and most likely not an issue if you made a recent purchase. Yes you can go to the System Requirements Page and you will see minimum specs and so on ... BUT ... again ... there is a lot consider and the fact remains, people just upgrade without even on word uttered regarding their systems compatibility. How much System Memory, HDD space, CPU type and then the type of Software you use → will that be buggy on the new OS? The Original Windows 8 was a nightmare for PC gamers ... or wait, was that Win7 (No it was not, that was a good release imo. A few issues with 64 bit but compared to 8 → 7 fixed the issues much much quicker.) Windows Vista was a major disaster for much of the reasons outline with sys requirement (Dragged the ass out of Laptops - let alone some desktops. Everyone wanted to upgrade to the latest but they were bitterly appointed with a lot of outcry) Many of the others struggled early on with the melding Mobile and Desktop Technology. Remember the touch screen phase/fad and then comes all the new fang dangled startup MASS MARKETING SOCIAL MEDIA BRAINWASHING NEWS FLASH BULLSHIT now on our start up screens.
OH BOY --- its worse than having to untick all the boxes when installing new programs to avoid the spam, the system resource hogging software that wants to know how many times we wipe our ass. ..... You either have to keep up to date learning how to code your OS or install yet again more software to get rid of all the SHIT ... like when you take home you new laptop and then if it's not bad enough with the OS marketers ... the ones that made you laptop also fill it up with even MORE shit!!!!!
I hope we are not left having to mess with our shortcuts in order to get our games to run. Sigh ... Or yet another pop up - ERROR → "Please visit such and such Page to Download the Compatible version of this software!" "Click here to install updates" $$$$ - New - 128 Bit bit with 24 cores ... Yeaaaa ... but notice how the games have reached their peak while the hype still leaks. Same shit with most of these OS and phone releases.
There might actually be a few changes that matters, but for the most part ... the sheep will just sign up without too much thought and load up a few expectations of their own and most likely end up bitterly disappointed simply because they have not consider the wider implications often associated with of a New OS.
I suspect it will be as buggy as hell and require a lot of repetitive updating. The problem with most of the bitching and whining - is that such users fail to maintain their own systems with the OS they currently have. When was the last time you ran a system scan? - Updated, let alone ran Defrag ... or if your using the latest Solid Sate Drives ?? Are you ... Do you even Know? lol - In that case you should be doing something else ... hows the malware scanning and registry cleans going ??? Or do you just click those BS pop up boxes that so "your PC is running slow - CLICK HERE!" Hmmmm.
Not sure I have made a point ... but that sure was fun to write up.
Check the minimum system requirements (not that Microsoft has even been reliable on that)
Check the compatibility Center.
and most of all - have no expectations and expect the worse.
Learn how to Roll Back:
If you do not have or can't find an option in your Bios (typically laptops)
You can hit your windows Icon on your keyboard whilst holding S at the same time - Type in System Restore and go from there:
However I recommend reading more online -
Having said that though ... there is really only two choices that I have found - one will restore with your registry intact which is NOT a fresh install.
I am only well versed in doing it that old fashioned way with desktop models I have built and an ISO image I typically have on disc.
Such is becoming more of an art as corporations tighten the noose on CHOICE - buy installing/embedding the limitations in the Bios and various Start Up options.
Whilst this laptop I am running now - has over the (assumed) specs for the job - I have no doubt that my wife will be rolling hers back and then I will know for sure if there is some kind of BS limitation that stops the original OS loading up that came with it. I doubt it though ... but would not be surprised.
At the end of the day - just go with what makes your PC run best. To be sure ... there will be millions who have no friggen idea - I sat with WIN7 and played the latest games and ran the high end editing programs years and years before I made the change to that freak show called windows 8 ... (after most the bugs where fixed) ... The change from Vista to Win 7 was much faster given how poorly Vista was ... most of us back then stuck with XP ...
Win 8 is not so bad now ---- takes a lot of time to set up without all that BS brainwashing crap I mentioned before, but once you can work out all that, its not so bad at all ---- I am personally hopping that 10 is more like 7 but with all the new advanced gleaned form 8 over the passing years. ... and none of the insulting BS plastered all over our start up screens. ( I like to remove mine altogether! - I have setup my Win8 like Win7 but still Win8)
Just my thoughts regarding the proposed upgrade to 10 - (
Agreed, Apple are the worst for allowing user freedom. Just look at IOS8! A lot of people with older devices had problems running it and decided to roll back to version 7. Apple put a stop to that and now your stuck with IOS8 whether you like it or not.
They want users to upgrade their devices rather than roll back their software.
07-22-2015, 04:47 PM
Hi MiST, I am still editing my previous post -
Yea - The only thing I like about OSX or the apple OS (not sure how it goes these days) is the Linux feel. The programming is quite practical in terms of security and fluidity/trouble free OS navigation. I can't quite remember all the technical reasoning of why the program language of one system vs another makes it more practical than the other. Windows is more buggy but offers more freedom and I'm guessing evolving quicker. (but at a BS price that's slowly making me want to shift to Linux for good! - I think I will work my needs into one that frees me from the illusion of compatibility [separate to reality] ... sigh ... I not explain that one as I.)
I use to have a passion for the iPhone - But quickly got sick of it as they kept changing the model each year. It's great that the technology is evolving, but I never saw a real change other than the look and perhaps some of the apps. Samsung Galaxy have an issue with their latest phone the S6. It would appear many of the S5 holders simply do not see enough of a change to make the swap. Finally!!! I thinks to myself ... consumers are actually starting to think for themselves.
I won't hold my breath ... but sure would be good if we stopped just buying every time they come up with a new color.
The firmware updates on phones are becoming increasingly more like Handcuffs that not only run into conflicts with whatever apps - but dictate what cables you buy. The next firmware update from apple will dictate what earphones you use!
Hell - Manufacturers of certain hardware components now releasing games that will not work as efficient, unless you have their hardware installed. That's common knowledge with a lot of PC builders and gaming enthusiasts. Its sad that when one is cursing their forums on what Graphics updates one needs in order to play whatever; that it will all come down to the manufacturer of what Ram your using, let alone graphics card/s.
That may sound off topic, but it plays into the way in which we are all being played. The hardware we are sold, as too peripherals, cables and Accessories of all kinds are designed to keep us enslaved to branding. We give up on keeping up - on the complexity of it all, which results in people just believing in whatever the corporations tell us.
The way in which all this is done regarding technology ... seems quite the tool in understanding mass manipulation ... without the blame game of conspiracy.
Srry - I am not stable and tend to go off in all directions. But is good to speak about some of these things like so.
Time for a walk ... have a good day.
07-22-2015, 05:24 PM
My laptop will take it with no problem but the wife's pc is maxed. i have already added as much as i could. Hers is ready for a complete rebuild which i would love to do but i just do not have the funds. I have a spare pc that's just collecting dust because i do not have the funds for a rebuild. My dream of a super fast awesome gaming type pc with the neon is so far off i need the hubble to see it :)
07-22-2015, 05:26 PM
Them days are over for me John :) - Smart phone with a mini projector is near good enough for me.
I love my Galaxy S4 although not the recent firmware update so much..
I never understood why the iphone was so limited in terms of 3rd party support, i mean why no NFC on any of their hardware?
07-22-2015, 05:44 PM
Oh Man.. you had an awesome set up and i want one just like what you had. ( i sound like one of my kids hehehe )
07-22-2015, 08:58 PM
yeah the galaxy is pretty cool :))
07-22-2015, 09:05 PM
I am going to wait and see what people say about W10. Thanks to my craziness about good hardware, I will have no problem to upgrade :))
07-24-2015, 01:00 AM
Yep Yep, I hear ya Dahila. Unfortunately it's not uncommon for some of the latest and greatest Hardware to suffer from Driver Compatibility issues. Many Gamers and Editing enthusiasts (high end users) tend to hold back until the second release of the next OS to ensure drivers are properly optimized. Is usually a major issue for those of us that love our Games.
I've always preferred to holding back, regardless of owning the best components money can buy. I think there getting for the most part with most generic hardware, however they typically fail when it comes to high end gear the first time around.
I'm hoping this release will prove me wrong.
My wife just got a job for a search engine online and finished her training. They have given a strong warning to those working for them NOT to upgrade to windows 10 when it first comes out. Makes perfect sense for any business to hold back - The Beta testing is one thing, but there will always be issues in the first 6 months of any final release. Best let others pull their hair out when it comes to days worth of installing to set everything back up I think .
ME - I think I will try it for an excuse to reinstall my whole system ... Expecting to go back to 8 ... but with a clean slate and will do up a new image. I could be surprised though ... however doubt it. The playing filed in the first 6 months will always be casual users.
I wish every the best ... Who knows ... wonders may never cease.
Best of luck Dahila. ;)
MSDOS is and will always be, the king of operating systems..;)
07-25-2015, 01:19 PM
Lol ... I like that.
07-25-2015, 03:12 PM
MSDOS is and will always be, the king of operating systems..;)
Eleven months from first release, I agree, then I will upgrade, If is not good I just wait w7 have support for another 5 years. :)
It is possible that my son will decide to install W10, so I will, he is my computer guru :)
Drivers issues are common on the beginning of any operating system. :)
The funniest thing about all of this is the fact that Microsoft have to call it Windows 10 instead of Windows 9, because of poor naming conventions within windows 8 that would cause conflicts..LOL
Shoddy programming essentially.
07-25-2015, 05:37 PM
I will never forget Vista, I had not have it, but my daughter had and it caused a lot of upset.
Win 95 = Good
Win 98 = Bad
Win XP = Good
Win Vista = Bad
Win 7 = Good
Win 8 - 8.1 = Bad
Win 10 = ??
07-25-2015, 07:20 PM
Everything goes in two's even DNA chain:))
Anyone here got it yet? I'm still waiting..
07-29-2015, 09:12 AM
Anyone here got it yet? I'm still waiting..
just finished updating, took 40 minutes, looks good so far, small glitches here and there, but there seems to be updates as well.
goto your C drive. 'view' at the top, click 'show hidden files' then the first should be C/ windows$. - BT at around 3.2 GB. that's OS 10. if you don't see it then be patient, keep watch for the download.
then click 'get windows 10' on the taskbar, after a few times is should offer to upgrade.
let me know whats happening
07-29-2015, 09:37 AM
Windows = bad
Apple = good
Windows = bad
Apple = good
07-29-2015, 03:58 PM
Yea- subject to those making the comment.
Back to the topic.
Feels crap when you pull that line on someone hey?
Lets us know how it goes Marc. Thx mate. I'm going to do a bench test to see just how much of a load it is on my system.
Got bored of waiting so i forced the download..:p
Reading mostly positive things so far..fingers crossed..
07-29-2015, 04:34 PM
Downloading Now. Was unprepared for the restart though. :( (lost my more well thought out response in my own thread)
Will need a solid week before I can comment with confidence and then another month after that.
Windows loves to does it on purpose just to be annoying..:)
07-29-2015, 04:47 PM
True, but has been pretty good of late asking whether I want to or not. Now that I think about it, it would be less problematic if windows adviced with the following : "windows NEEDS to be restrated in order for your program to work"
Maybe this version will say it on ALL software that requires such. Is not uncommon for issues to arrise from not restarting after installing. (Drivers - Games - General Apps - Utilities and so on. ) ...Ofcourse yet another topic of discussion ... and I hate to be called out on that. Hahahaa.
07-29-2015, 05:20 PM
I hope you like it D.
Running Win 10 now and so far it's a pleasant experience. Edge works well and the web note feature is a blast to use. UI is nice and clean and everything is just so much easier to find compared to Win8 - 8.1
So far no complaints.
07-29-2015, 09:00 PM
How would you compare it to W7?
07-29-2015, 10:06 PM
Ask me in a month.
Things like One Drive and a host of other "Features" like them are a drain for me. Once I trim down the invasive stuff I don't want ... and remove anything else that's a waste, I do believe I have some positives to share. Color scheme looks good with a much better layout for accessibility. Loaded up quick and smooth sailing thus far. BUT - way to early at this stage ... need that week of insight first. One persons glitch will be pointless to compare at any rate. The futility with such caparisons in forums like these can be likened to comparing medications. With the limited amount of info given in unspecified & generic forums you can be sure that drama will most certainly ensure that is about as humorous as plugging in the power pack.
Good luck with that.
How would you compare it to W7?
Compared to Win7 it is very different, it's clear the Microsoft have tried to take the best bits from 7 and 8 and merge them into one OS. I have not experimented with Cortana yet but i'm really digging Microsoft Edge, it's fast and easy on the eyes.
It's surprisingly stable, I haven't had a single crash yet. Cloud services work as expected without any problems, and it's pretty light on system resources too.
Even the file browser has been redesigned to make finding things easier. Media playback options are limited, but that's sorted once you install VLC.
Microsoft have got it right this time.
07-30-2015, 09:28 AM
oh that's interesting;) thank you Mist, I use only VLC :)
After more digging around, it actually comes with quite a nice media player which is far nicer than the old media player. It doesn't support as many formats as VLC but that's to be expected.
But it is quite attractive and all the most important features like playlists and things are there..
07-30-2015, 01:56 PM
there was a media player years ago I love it, and used to listen the music, hm of course I forgot the name of that software........................
there was a media player years ago I love it, and used to listen the music, hm of course I forgot the name of that software........................
Winamp? :D
07-30-2015, 03:18 PM
Anyone remember Real Player? When something wasn't working on Windows Media Player, you'd head on over to Real Player and pray.
08-04-2015, 10:21 PM
Some of my very technical friends already have disappointing experience and they are back to windows 7. Nah I am not upgrading it at least not now. I run W7 ultimate and happy with it.
Anyone remember Real Player? When something wasn't working on Windows Media Player, you'd head on over to Real Player and pray.
Yea, Real Player was like the VLC of it's day, it supported some pretty obscure file formats. But Winamp was the MP3 player of choice..:D
08-05-2015, 09:50 AM
Winmap it is what it was, I forgot the name I loved it to play music:))
salvator here
11-16-2018, 09:20 AM
I actually got my (new to me) laptop with Win 10 2 weeks ago. I still haven't had time to configure and updated it and wipe out the previous owners information because for some reason they forgot to lol..
Looks so busy to me, and I wonder since I have unsteady bandwidth and unreliable internet how much fun it will be, since you need to leave it on for a long time to updated (which I can't), but it was a gift so I can't complain. Some of the keys stick especially the space-bar.
I'm still using this old clunker in the mean time though with an archaic XP Pro OS. Hey.. it still works and mcafee stinger (standalone antivirus) seems to keep it clean. I have my machine so trimmed/slimmed down to the bare-bones basics for all I need to play my games and browse and I use little bandwidth and resources. I doubt I'll be able to slim windows 10 as its very bloated.
How are other members coming along with windows 10. I'm on another computer forum where there is a tread bashing the OS and it makes me wonder sometimes. I get the feeling its a compromise between more security and less privacy.
salvator here
11-17-2018, 07:25 PM
How are you guys updating your computer? I can't leave it on all day and have asked the questions on my tech forum and nobody has answered. I don't have a dedicated connection and have limited bandwidth.
Thanks in advance :)
11-18-2018, 10:01 AM
Well I took my computer third time to the place, that build it, it did not function well. they had done full diagnostic, and my windows were part of it on SSD and part on regular drive. So the guy disconected the drive and the regular one and installed (previously formated by me) on SSD then checked everything worked and connected the regular drive. I spend hours again to install my office , soapmaker, acrobat reader, vpn, and tixati, so far works great, I mean everything works . I keep my fingers crossed that I will not have problems with it now. change the update to metered connection. Unfortunately W10 son of b**** updates it by itself . we have not influence over it ,
salvator here
11-18-2018, 11:34 AM
Yeah the security updates only take about 5-10 minutes, however, the "Feature Updates" can take all day practically. I'm going to try asking again differently on the tech forum on how to just fully update my current build on win 10 (how to deny upgrading to the next build). I guess its ok, but haven't used it yet for forums, just casual browsing and games. I will say.. games are excellent on it!! Its only a Celeron so only goes so fast because you can't really just tweak it like I have my current system now. It was a gift, so can't look horse in the mouth.....unless, of course you don't want to giddyup haha :)
11-18-2018, 04:10 PM
11-19-2018, 11:36 AM
Sal you can not do anything about updates on Window 10 home , only on Windows 10 pro ......I will see how long it is going to take to fail again then maybe upgrade to pro
salvator here
11-19-2018, 12:32 PM
Thanks! Ok.. it is home - not pro - so I guess it has a mind of its own then lol
11-19-2018, 05:12 PM
salvator here
09-29-2019, 06:55 PM
You won't believe this..
I went straight from XP to 10. I have never owned a computer with Vista or 7. I don't use my laptop much because it requires a constant connection to update and I have limited connection here. I have to pick a public wifi to update it and I HATE using public anything as far as internet goes. I worry about Wi-Fi Eavesdropping.
My laptop actually started with windows 8 and the free upgrade to 10 was offered for free. I got it 2nd hand and it has issues. It was free though...YAY :)
09-29-2019, 07:00 PM
I have W10 for over a year of course updated version now is 1903 I think. I am kind of happy with it
salvator here
10-20-2019, 10:44 PM
I've been spending some time updating my laptop when I use public wifi and I think Its fully updated finally after several restarts. I will say Edge is quite impressive and fast :) Sadly the laptop has some issues and it was free so I can't complain.
Right now my main machine is still running NT 5.1 with Pale Moon Browser and I can't complain it does everything I need it to do, enjoy my classic game emulators.. I have it tightened up and almost all ports closed accept for the web browser along with Malwarebytes on board. I also occasionally use MYPAL Browser as well; very good and privacy focused.
10-21-2019, 11:06 AM
and how do you like W10? I do not use edge at all, I have a high dislike to Microsoft browsers , I use mainly FF and Duckducktogo
Which version did you get Sal. I have the last one which is 1903 build. a lot of improvement in it
salvator here
08-17-2020, 05:25 PM
So far - so good with it and I fully updated it yesterday to feature update version 2004. No issues thus far. Duckducktogo is also my default search engine. Sometimes I use g00gle when I can't find something but I don't like to because they really track the hell out of you.
salvator here
08-19-2020, 07:58 PM
The only thing I'm not too thrilled with concerning this build is that Cortana stays running in the background and I see now way to disable it :(
08-20-2020, 03:19 PM
;ho I dissabled it it is not running , subscribe to this guy and he will show you a lot of tricks on windows 10 and not only , he is awesome
salvator here
08-21-2020, 11:24 PM
Thanks Dahila I'll be sure to check out his channel :) Anything to decrease Microsoft from spying sounds good in my book.
08-23-2020, 01:18 PM
yeah there is a lot of info how to do it, Look for a forum "ask woody" it is bringing the 404 forbidden for me , probably because I run on VPN all the time
salvator here
09-11-2020, 05:35 PM
Thanks, Dahila :)
I think its smart to use a VPN these days!!
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