View Full Version : An interesting nightmare
07-20-2015, 09:08 AM
Mostly this is just some of my thoughts.. Feel free to read and answer..
This morning I had a very short yet interesting dream... It was one of those dreams where you fall from some place really high. Usually, before you hit the ground you wake up all of a sudden. Not this time!
So in this dream, I was a passenger in a truck with some lady(no idea who she was), and we were up in the mountains. We went to drive onto this one lane bride (VERY HIGH UP), and she made a wrong turn with her truck, causing us to fall over the edge.
For some reason I was able to get out of the truck, and grab on to one of the beams that was holding up the bridge... From there I climbed up to the top and I saved myself.
As unrealistic as this dream was, it was significant to me. Never have I ever had a dream of falling and actually saved myself from "death" in the dream. I was a badass in my dream and I lived!
Some of you might find this stupid, but I do believe dreams are your subconscious working through issues(sometimes.) To me this dream was a symbol of me finally getting control of my anxiety over the last year, and saving myself from being stuck in a place where I thought death might have been better sometimes.
Am I perfect? No. But I am no who I was then.
07-20-2015, 04:13 PM
You're like a super hero......well, except you didn't save the lady truck driver. Just yourself
Let's just say youre a selfish super hero
I don't know if dreams do or don't mean anything but if you believe they do, I think it's awesome you find some symbolism within them
07-20-2015, 04:18 PM
You're like a super hero......well, except you didn't save the lady truck driver. Just yourself
Let's just say youre a selfish super hero
I don't know if dreams do or don't mean anything but if you believe they do, I think it's awesome you find some symbolism within them
LOL. Selfish indeed. Or I just didn't like her very much. =P
After you saved yourself did you call for emergency services to search for the other lady? I mean she could have survived and be in need of desperate medical aid..
Dreams are weird, i once dreamed i was a transsexual living in Thailand and dancing in GoGo bars..
07-20-2015, 04:22 PM
After you saved yourself did you call for emergency services to search for the other lady? I mean she could have survived and be in need of desperate medical aid..
Dreams are weird, i once dreamed i was a transsexual living in Thailand and dancing in GoGo bars..
Uh, we said we weren't ever gonna talk about that
It wasn't a dream
07-20-2015, 04:22 PM
After you saved yourself did you call for emergency services to search for the other lady? I mean she could have survived and be in need of desperate medical aid..
Dreams are weird, i once dreamed i was a transsexual living in Thailand and dancing in GoGo bars..
Actually.. I walked my way back to what is (in real life) my grandpas house, and my husband and my step mom were there. For some reason I was scared to tell them what happened.
HAHA. That is quite the dream. Did you enjoy it?
07-20-2015, 04:23 PM
Uh, we said we weren't ever gonna talk about that
It wasn't a dream
lmao. I just died of laughing.
Well i do look pretty damn good in a thong..
Nixon knows how good i look..
07-20-2015, 04:27 PM
Well i do look pretty damn good in a thong..
Nixon knows how good i look..
well you got me one upped there.
But this is a positive thing for the twerking contest :)
well you got me one upped there.
But this is a positive thing for the twerking contest :)
YES! First place prize is glow in the dark lingerie..that prize will be mine..
07-20-2015, 04:36 PM
Uhhm. actually, I started using those already..
we will have to come up with a new prize.
That lingerie has been reserved for months!
07-20-2015, 04:39 PM
I couldn't help myself...
I couldn't help myself...
So do i, iv'e had cancer twice and radiation treatment does funny things toyour body..
07-20-2015, 04:47 PM
Then let me have the underwear.
Jeez greedy.
But i was so looking forward to winning that prize. I fear no substitute prize could compete with such glorious and tasteful underwear..
As judge, you have the duty of picking the new prize.
07-20-2015, 05:02 PM
Oh don't you worry.. I have a few ideas up my sleeve ;)
07-20-2015, 05:55 PM
I really enjoy analyzing my dreams, though I rarely get anywhere. It's entertaining to fathom different parts of myself. I too often see my problems manifesting themselves in the dream world.
More recently I have begun to look at dreams as actual experiences. I think I have posted on here that I have had dreams that felt more real than being awake. When I think about them, and many others, everything about them was just as real as any other experience I have had in life. Sensations are often clearer, and more vivid. The dreams are also stored in my memory the same way other meaningful events are, so there is no difference in the recollection of dream events and real events.
Since that shift in thinking, I have had some pretty amazing dreams/experiences. It's like a whole new way of actually living. Of course, I don't replace "real" life with dream life, just a nice addition.
07-20-2015, 07:00 PM
I hardly ever remember my dreams but after reading this thread i have a feeling i am in for a doozie tonight? Better go to bed early.
Nightmares are kinda fun. Mine have made a huge shift these last few months. Last year was the first time I had ever had a dream that I was in or not in an omnipresence. It was a mundane thing. I dreamed about finding a golden retriever sized spider in my laundry room but the closer I got to it, the smaller it became. Finally I walked right up to it and squashed it with my palm, ygggck!
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