View Full Version : THIS IS ACTUALLY FREE - Anxiety Problems Hey - PFFFT Check This Out!

07-18-2015, 05:10 PM
Do you want inspiration? This guy is pretty cool ... He is used as a poster boy for religion in this country and other ... kind of makes my wife want to throw up when as the sales techniques used in this video are so charismaticaly overdone ... However that is more an issue for both my wife and I. The fact is that this guy is too busy with life to care about such bias. Most people completely miss the point while they bicker over whether it is by God's grace or by this young mans own power that he is able to live the way he does.

If you can stomach the charismatic Villon sales spam and the thick lather of motivational bonanza ... you can't help but be amazed and inspired without regard for the hype. I'm a skeptic, cynic and just plain old hard bastard ... but regardless of all the above ... THIS GUY ROCKS.

I'm sure many of us have already seen and heard this guy ... check it out again:


07-18-2015, 05:14 PM
I have seen this guy and he has spoke at my kids school. It is amazing what a person can do i just wish that i could

07-20-2015, 10:52 AM
thanks for sharing. This guy is amazing.