View Full Version : Happy to Help! Feel free to ask me questions on Anxiety related matters

07-17-2015, 04:52 PM
I am a full time Anxiety coach.

I make my living helping people overcome Anxiety.

I love what I do and it fulfills me to the core to see people move away from Anxiety and live big full lives. I love chatting to my clients each week on the phone and seeing them grow and build their lives.

I also realize that not everyone can afford one on one coaching calls, so if you have questions that I can answer please feel free to post it here and I'll do my best for you.

All the best
Tim JP Collins

The Anxiety Breakthrough Coach

07-17-2015, 08:16 PM
Hey coach. Welcome to the forum. So what was the key for you to overcoming your own anxiety? How did you get into the coaching business? And how to you get your clients? Sounds like an interesting, and worthwhile, occupation.

07-18-2015, 12:51 AM
Many of clients could use some anxiety coaching in addition to their business coaching. We should likely talk off line.


Jimmy jr makhaya
07-18-2015, 03:56 AM
Have always been hearing of the anxiety coach mr Paul,now i think the search is coming to an end,i got this terrible panic disorder which i think has a bit of ocd and agora,and i mean only a thought can change my mood and there seems to be nothing i do that doesnt have thoughts behind,u wanna party,i have to think about it then obvious the answer is a no at last,would be very glad to here from you

07-21-2015, 02:12 PM
Hey coach. Welcome to the forum. So what was the key for you to overcoming your own anxiety? How did you get into the coaching business? And how to you get your clients? Sounds like an interesting, and worthwhile, occupation.

Probably WAY too much to write in here Kuma. Head over to timjpcollins dot com and you can read a bit more about my story there. All I can tell you is that I have ALWAYS wanted to help people and I see my own personal struggle with Anxiety as a gift that I can now do what I do.

07-21-2015, 02:14 PM
Many of clients could use some anxiety coaching in addition to their business coaching. We should likely talk off line.


Paul - Would love to chat. Think you have to have a certain amount of posts to send direct messages on here. Probably not quite there yet. Anyway go to my site and send me a message and let's set up a call! If you go to timjpcollins dot com you'll be able to find me.

07-21-2015, 02:15 PM
Have always been hearing of the anxiety coach mr Paul,now i think the search is coming to an end,i got this terrible panic disorder which i think has a bit of ocd and agora,and i mean only a thought can change my mood and there seems to be nothing i do that doesnt have thoughts behind,u wanna party,i have to think about it then obvious the answer is a no at last,would be very glad to here from you

Anything I can help with Jimmy, let me know my friend.
Tim JP Collins