View Full Version : Anxiety, Meds and General Weirdness

07-17-2015, 11:42 AM
Okay, so I have been battling with anxiety, some depression, negative thoughts, overreaction, etc. I have been medicated on different meds, and finally broke down and went to a psychiatrist. He put me on Klonopin .5 mg twice a day which helps but makes me very tired. Then the anxiety, worry and negative thoughts returned especially about lunch or right after probably when the medicine was wearing off. After a try on Viibryd which I had suicidal thoughts on, the Dr. decided I have bipolar tendencies and could be helped by another medicine. So I began taking Tegretol which has helped to some extent, but still so tired from the Klonopin. Anyway,I feel great in the morning and in the evening, I guess when meds are fresh in my system, but in the afternoon. I get all sketchy feeling and I am not sure why. I start feeling tired, and really a little panicky. Then I start clinging to people and becoming just generally overly sensitive and overreact.

I have been going through this anxiety stuff for 4 or 5 months and it is making me crazy. Seems like it is just one med after another and I would like to be able to hold my job, not lose everything I have in relationships, but it has really kicked my rear end. Just for a little history, I was on Cymbalta and my Dr after I talked about losing weight told me to get off of it, that was a wonderful experience. Anyway, I have lost 45 pounds since then so I should really feel good about myself. I eat right, I exercise and still can't totally get rid of it. So I have been on Tegretol for five days, and my Psych said if it helps after ten days that I am definitely BiPolar probably BiPolar II because I do not have full blown mania, but a lot of depression and anxiety. I do not know what to do, I am seeking help, I go to counseling, but yet this will not leave me alone.

07-17-2015, 11:47 AM
Hey there! Im sorry you are having such a hard time.

My best advice is to hang in there. Medications like this can be a pain in the butt and take a lot of time to really start working to their full potential. You have to be patient, and when you deal with anxiety/depression/bipolar/what have you, that is one of the worst things to be told.. but unfortunately it is true.

I think you are doing all the right things. Getting through this is going to be a process- it does not happen overnight. I still struggle with my anxiety and depression, but I am in a WAY better place than I was when it first started(4 years ago), hell I'm doing better than I was 6 months ago.

This too shall pass. (I'm not really religious.. but I completely believe this.) :)