View Full Version : helllllpppp

08-29-2008, 01:07 PM
I am having a terrible day, I woke up and went to work for 3 hours, when i was on my home, i started to feel like there was a tennis ball stuck in between my ribs. at the entrance to my stomach.
I try and take a deep breath, but feel like i have not taken any air. i have been deep breathing all day and now my whole body hurts, ribs feel worst

I have acid indegestion.

what is happening to me i have been like all day 9 hours now.

08-29-2008, 01:16 PM
There's no reason for you to continue suffering. If you have been trying you're own techniques for several hours and they are not prevailing, then perhaps you may want to consider seeking help from a professional. Your local ER will most likely give you a small dose (and prescription) of Ativan (lorazepam) to help your anxiety. If you'd prefer to stay away from medication, then there are other alternatives to breathing techniques.

Chamomile tea, for me, sometimes works just as well as my Xanax (Alprazolam). It's all natural, and caffeine free. Continue with your breathing exercises while relaxing with a cup or two of the Chamomile tea. It greatly reduces my anxiety, and settles my stomach.

Anxiety is a horrible feeling, and its just as painful hearing about someone else suffering from it. Keep us posted please.

Take good care,

08-29-2008, 02:09 PM
Well it went away 4 an hour, and its just come back !!!!!
I have just sent hubby out to get some food, i am going to how i feel after i have eaten something. and.....

I am expecting my Mum over in a few hours so i will see how I am then

But if this anxiety and not some lung or stomach disorder then cool! but i just want it to go away.

08-29-2008, 02:16 PM
Heya Jen!

I am glad that it went away for an hour, but sorry to hear it is back! If it continues, do get it checked out by a doctor. Not knowing is worse because you will worry about it. So go see a doctor if you aren't feeling any better soon!

08-30-2008, 03:38 PM
Was rushed to hospital today, bad bad chest pain, kept taking very deep breaths at work.
Went to hospital in ambulance, the took blood from my wrist, and inner elbow. all came back great, did an ECG they was fine
said its gastric, gave me pills, but they cant work out why i am constantly taking deep breaths.
i have to go to my doctor Tuesday and talk to him again.

08-30-2008, 10:23 PM
Was rushed to hospital today, bad bad chest pain, kept taking very deep breaths at work.
Went to hospital in ambulance, the took blood from my wrist, and inner elbow. all came back great, did an ECG they was fine
said its gastric, gave me pills, but they cant work out why i am constantly taking deep breaths.
i have to go to my doctor Tuesday and talk to him again.

Being gastric doesn't surprise me. Anxiety & Stomach problems seem to go hand in hand. Out of curiosity what did they give you pills for? Did they say what they were trying to treat, or did they give any diagnosis?

Sometimes they'll give you gastric acid inhibitors to treat gastritis. (Gastritis can be caused by stress, autoimmune disorders, and a mess of other things) If you notice you have a lot of gastrointestinal symptoms, I do recommend you get tested for Celiac Disease. It's an intolerance to gluten (wheat/rye/barley), and it's becoming increasingly popular. Mostly due to the fact that it's being tested for more often lately.

Living unknowingly with Celiac Disease can manifest all sorts of problems, including your mental health. (Mainly due to malnutrition, I'm guessing)

Who knows, im biased. I have Celiac Disease myself! I sure hope you don't have it since the treatment is a life-long gluten-free diet (very restrictive), but it's something that's very common now. Don't let this post make you a hypochondriac. I'm only suggesting the Celiac test if you have more chronic gastro symptoms.

Good luck andd take gooood care

08-31-2008, 02:54 PM
Hey Matt,

They gave me Lansoprazole 15mg one a day, they didnt say what it was just gastric acid.
I am going to my GP Tuesday and will ask him to send me for an endoscopy.
I am still fretting over the constant need to take a deep breath, have had it constantly for 3 days now. I am so tired of it.

I will let u know about my stomach once i know

Thanks for your reply and i hope u are ok


08-31-2008, 04:40 PM

I can imagine how frustrated you are. What do you think the deep breathing is caused by? Are you pretty sure its your nerves/anxiety? It's so hard not being able to sit down and just relax.

I personally wouldn't go for the endoscopy yet. Anxiety can manifest in a lot of different ways, and the majority of your gastric issues could be stress/anxiety related. If your insurance approves it and your GP thinks an endoscopy may be a good idea, then by all means go for it. I've had an endoscopy before and its painless.

Anxiety's a bitch.. My first signs of it were after I went through all of my stomach problems. I ended up mistaking my anxiety for MORE stomach problems.

Anyway do whatever it takes for you to feel better. Take your doctor's advice, but don't be afraid to get a second opinion if you don't like what he says to say ;)

keep us posted,

09-01-2008, 11:53 AM
Went back to Doc in tears, told him i was fed up with taking deep breaths all day and get myself worked up.
he gave me 2x 2mg tablets 3 times a day, of diazepam for 1 week, just to see my symptoms are anxiety and not a lung problem.

09-01-2008, 12:08 PM
Went back to Doc in tears, told him i was fed up with taking deep breaths all day and get myself worked up.
he gave me 2x 2mg tablets 3 times a day, of diazepam for 1 week, just to see my symptoms are anxiety and not a lung problem.

Hope it works. I'm sure it's going to help on some level no matter what.

09-01-2008, 12:12 PM
Yeah lets hope so.... i suppose if its not anxiety, then i will continue deep breathing. Doc told me if no better in a week, he will send me to a chest specialist which is good. He is also arranging a visit to hospital for my tummy.

How are you today

09-01-2008, 10:01 PM
I'm good thanks. Was able to go all day without having to take a Xanax, which is good for me. The Valium (diazepam) you were prescribed is probably going to benefit whether its anxiety or not. Being sick and worked up is stressful enough, so the valium is going to relieve that. I'm sure your doctor warned you about the potential for dependency, so you do have to be careful. But man, they just work so damn well, which is the easiest part about becoming dependent on them -- they provide quick and instant relief, as needed.

Let us know how things go. Valium should work right away, have you had any improvement yet?


09-01-2008, 10:35 PM
I'm not sure if you've listened to my previous replies, but try breathing controlled breaths into a paper bag for about five or ten minutes. I've had the exact same problem as you. I felt like i wasn't getting enough air, even though i was because i obviously wasn't passing out, and it got to the point where my lungs felt lie they were bruised and cramping due to the deep breaths. It is caused by hyperventilation and anxiety. Next time you feel bad try the paper bag technique and please tell me if it has any effect on you.

09-02-2008, 12:38 AM
I only took 2 tabs, and all i felt was sleepy so i will c how things go today

09-02-2008, 12:41 AM
I'm not sure if you've listened to my previous replies, but try breathing controlled breaths into a paper bag for about five or ten minutes. I've had the exact same problem as you. I felt like i wasn't getting enough air, even though i was because i obviously wasn't passing out, and it got to the point where my lungs felt lie they were bruised and cramping due to the deep breaths. It is caused by hyperventilation and anxiety. Next time you feel bad try the paper bag technique and please tell me if it has any effect on you.

I did try it, it worked a little bit . then 20 mins later it all came back again. I am trying to stop it all together, so i think the diazapan is to determine is anxiety or another issue with my chest.

09-02-2008, 03:30 PM
have had 3 tablets 2day, 2 this morning 1 this afternoon, and have only had mild air hunger, lol bought some pens and colouring book 2day, very relaxing...

09-03-2008, 04:09 PM
HOLY CRA* what a day. took 1 2mg Diazepan, still had the air hunger, quite bad. so and hour later took 1 more, then slept for 4 hours????????????????
what the .... am i ever gunna get better, or find something to cure me.

doc told me 2 x 2mg 3 times a day, i would be asleep all the time !!!!!

09-03-2008, 07:32 PM
HOLY CRA* what a day. took 1 2mg Diazepan, still had the air hunger, quite bad. so and hour later took 1 more, then slept for 4 hours????????????????
what the .... am i ever gunna get better, or find something to cure me.

doc told me 2 x 2mg 3 times a day, i would be asleep all the time !!!!!

Valium will do that. Unfortunately with any type of benzo you're going to get the drowsiness/sedation.

Just to clarify-- when you say 2 x 2mg, 3 times a day. He wants you to take TWO of the 2mg tablets (4mg) three times a day? 2-4mg is still a fairly low dose of diazepam, and I'm guessing once you start to build a little bit of tolerance to the drug, the drowsiness will wear off.

Also does he want you to take 2x 2mg three times daily AS NEEDED, or just three times daily? I'd follow your doctors instructions, even if it does make you tired. Just report the symptoms back to him, and he'll make an assessment on whether he wants to keep you on Valium or not.

And you will get better. Sometimes it's just a matter of trial and error. Stay consistent with your medication, and keep an open mind.

Keep checking in, okay? Take care.


09-04-2008, 05:39 AM
hey matt,
yep 4mg 3 times a day....so every 6 hours i suppose.

I feel a little better today although i went out to do some jobs, but felt weird, started to air hunger again. so came home again.
Now watchin a film and looking at this forum and facebook.
i though the diaza would just stop it... I am going back 2 him monday to report back

Thanks for being here for me, you help me relax my mind a lot.

09-06-2008, 06:11 PM
diazapan still taking the egde off my air hunger...monday i come off them....and i hope doc gives me something else to replace them