View Full Version : Do We All Agree? - Please Read

07-15-2015, 05:44 PM
Does anyone else have "episodes" or "ruts" of anxiety where your fears, worries, etc, become worse. Like you go into self-destruct mode for a few months? Where you become "sensitive" to your anxiety and it is no longer just in the background and it's like your whole world changes? Please share your personal stories below. For the past month and a half, I have seen improvement, but at the moment I am stuck in this slight depression and anxious state over my future, worrying about every little part of it, something I never did before and if I did, it was a "normal" amount of worry, if you know what I mean. I don't know, it's coming in waves here recently, some intense, some minor. While I am seeing improvement and I do have high hopes, I am simply wondering if anyone else can relate? Thanks in advance to anyone who replies. Stay strong.

07-15-2015, 05:47 PM
Just some of my personal symptoms during these "ruts"
-Feeling of Doom
-Uneasy Floating Feeling
-Worry (10x)
-Short-term memory loss
-Anxiety (obviously)
-Waves of Depression
-Guilt over things from my past (long ago)
-Oddly sensitive over things sometimes (like missing family) - Wanting a love life

And like I said, some times these feelings can come in cycles.

I have always been an anxious person in general with agoraphobia, BUT, it has only ever been this bad a few times. Do these "ruts" always fade? Thanks guys. Really looking forward to some replies.

Vikki Long
07-15-2015, 06:10 PM
I have a real issue with my anxiety at the moment, I'm worrying when I shouldn't be, feeling down, afraid to sleep, go outside. More so when I need to go out, never had that before, I'm having to force my self otherwise I won't have a job at the end of it. I feel like everything going to go wrong and there nothing I can do to stop it. Like to tonight I can't sleep sleep cause my heart is pounding, I'm shaking and sweating. Just want it to go away now, not sure how much more I can handle

07-15-2015, 06:14 PM
I was in your exact position when this first started, sooner or later. The physical signs of anxiety like you mentioned, shaking, sweating, etc. Stopped. I still feel down from time to time now during this "episode", more so than not, but I see small signs of improvement. It was worse. Sigh. These "ruts" suck but I've come out of them before and from everything I've saw online, they always subside, maybe not completely, but you always go back to your "normal" self, anyway, yes, I was right where you were when this first began. Stay strong. There is a rainbow waiting for us at the end of this storm. Feel free to add me on Facebook if you need a friend who can relate to you during this time. Thanks.

Vikki Long
07-15-2015, 06:20 PM
At home when this started once I'm at work I'm fine but i think that because I don't get chance to think. Some days can be better than others. But like tonight it worse. I hope yours improves soon. I'm very rarely on Facebook anymore. It been annoying me. But thank you for the offer

07-15-2015, 08:16 PM
We're all on the same river, different boat.