View Full Version : Tics

07-15-2015, 07:32 AM
Hi. I suffer from various tics now and again which can occur anywhere on my body. Sometimes it's my eyelid, which I know happens to many people, but sometimes it can be my cheek or my neck or even my foot! The one I have right now is on my forehead. I know it sounds weird, but I'm sure they're related to stress. The thing is I can become obsessive about them if they persist and that just makes them worse. They can become so annoying that they cause me really severe anxiety. In fact the one on my forehead right now has been getting worse lately and although I don't have panic attacks, I do actually feel sick and my heart has been thumping hard nonstop. I know it sounds crazy but this is the effect the tics are having on me. I'm not the least bit concerned that they're a sign of something serious. It's just the terrible feelings of anxiety they're provoking as they sometimes won't go away even when I'm lying down and trying to sleep. I feel foolish getting into such a state over something so trivial. I've always been an extremely anxious, neurotic and excitable person but this really is driving me to distraction. Should I mention this to my psychiatrist?!

07-15-2015, 09:42 AM
You should mention it to your psych and for someone with anxiety it is very common

Anxious folks scan their bodies constantly looking for anything out of the ordinary. When you find one, and you always will, anxiety will keep that thing well in your cross hairs to keep focusing and you start the physical signs of worry

When lying down is when symptoms you have been focusing on decide to really crank up. Makes for getting to sleep a bit tough