View Full Version : New here, just looking for others that deal with the same issues I do

07-14-2015, 06:22 PM
Hey all,
Just some background on me. I'm a 33-year-old male (soon to be 34) and lately I have been suffering from anxiety over health issues. I have been to the doctor countless times over the last few months (3 in the last two weeks with one ER trip) and they can't seem to find anything wrong with me. I have have blood tests, and general check ups but still nothing. Here are my symptoms over the last few days, stomach, chills, cough, very very dry eyes that are a little gooey, muscle aches, headaches, no appetite, face numb and several other that change from day to day. I live in fear everyday that I'm dying or have some life threatening illness. Again, doctors said all tests are ok. Anyone else deal with these symptoms? Or am I generally going crazy by the day. Hope someone out there can help.

thanks in advance.


07-14-2015, 07:19 PM
Hey man, I just wanted to tell you you're not alone. I have had crazy feelings like that this last year. One day, I would be worrying about melanoma, the next, I would be worrying about lung cancer (even though I don't smoke, or live around anyone that does smoke). The day after that, it would be some disease I've never even heard of until that day. I would spend so long looking for symptoms, that I was forgetting how to live. Just know, you're not going crazy, you're perfectly fine. If you ever need anyone to talk about that situation, I am more than willing to help. I know how big of a burden those feelings can be.

07-14-2015, 07:36 PM
Hey man, I just wanted to tell you you're not alone. I have had crazy feelings like that this last year. One day, I would be worrying about melanoma, the next, I would be worrying about lung cancer (even though I don't smoke, or live around anyone that does smoke). The day after that, it would be some disease I've never even heard of until that day. I would spend so long looking for symptoms, that I was forgetting how to live. Just know, you're not going crazy, you're perfectly fine. If you ever need anyone to talk about that situation, I am more than willing to help. I know how big of a burden those feelings can be.

thank you Bartt. It drives me nuts and all these mystery symptoms that may just be the common cold, or just me causing them to happen won't go away. My wish lately is to have one day where I feel 100 percent healthy. I can't believe I am even saying something like this, but it's the sad truth. I've taken for granted living this long and only battling this a minor amount. Now it's taking over my life. I don't want to lose my job because of doctors appts and running to the bathroom to take my temperature. Thank you again for your response Bartt. Means the world right now.

07-14-2015, 07:43 PM
Hi Robert07, Hey your definitely not alone. If i may, go to the general section and look at the stickies called HEALTH ANXIETY EXPOSED it is very good. Start from the beginning and go through the whole thing and watch the videos's it really does help. I am a long time sufferer.............. about as long as you are old and that's a hell of a lot of unnecessary worrying, yet i still do.

07-14-2015, 07:54 PM
thanks JohnC,
It's been a daily battle and I just want it to be over. In reality, I was sick for a while, and probably still am with a cold, but for some reason now when I get a cold, I feel like it's some crazy illness or something. Or today having red eyes all day is driving me nuts. Partly I need to stop googling things, that never hurts. But I will look up what you suggested! thank you so much!


07-14-2015, 08:01 PM
Health Anxiety will turn swollen glands into terminal cancer, trust me i have been there. I know the rational behind it but it just does not seem to help. Check out that sickie i mentioned it is really good.

07-15-2015, 03:20 PM
Does anyone have burning chest neck and back, like feels like this from the inside? I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack, but I don't want to spend more money at the ER. Please help. I'm starting to panic. Also If I leave work more I'm going to lose my job.

07-15-2015, 09:42 PM
Sometimes when I'm having a lot of anxiety or panic I feel burning in my chest.

07-16-2015, 01:28 AM
Common signs of anxiety.

07-16-2015, 03:54 PM
thanks everyone. Little bit of an update. I went to the cardiologist and it seems i'm ok in the heart category. a slight temp but hopefully that's anxiety related.