View Full Version : Migraines and antidepressants

07-14-2015, 01:57 PM
I'm currently trying to rid myself of a migraine so if some of this reads weird or anything that's why. I get migraines or severe headaches between once to twice a week. This has been going on for sometime but when I've brought it up with the doctor they write it off as a side effect of my ad. It's starting to drive me nuts.

Last week my pdoc decided to decrease my Cymbalta taking me from 60 mg to 30 mg because I had been experiencing emotional blunting/numbness. I was hoping that the med adjustment was going to take care of the headache issue but that isn't the case so far.

I know none of us are experts but is it possible that my migraines are a result of the antidepressants I'm taking? I'm hoping my current migraine is not a symptom of Cymbalta withdrawal.

Kind of looking for any feedback you guys might have. My depressive symptoms are starting to come back since the dosage reduction so if I have to call my pdoc I don't want to take the dosage back up if its going to make things worse.

07-14-2015, 03:32 PM
My personal opinion is that anti depressants can have all kinds of side effects that are shitty.

The only way I think you can know for sure is if you go off the med or switch. If the migraines don't disappear then you have an issue to bring up with your doctor- that it's not just a side effects. If they do go away then you know it was the cause.

Good luck :)

07-15-2015, 09:50 AM
I'm currently trying to rid myself of a migraine so if some of this reads weird or anything that's why. I get migraines or severe headaches between once to twice a week. This has been going on for sometime but when I've brought it up with the doctor they write it off as a side effect of my ad. It's starting to drive me nuts.

Last week my pdoc decided to decrease my Cymbalta taking me from 60 mg to 30 mg because I had been experiencing emotional blunting/numbness. I was hoping that the med adjustment was going to take care of the headache issue but that isn't the case so far.

I know none of us are experts but is it possible that my migraines are a result of the antidepressants I'm taking? I'm hoping my current migraine is not a symptom of Cymbalta withdrawal.

Kind of looking for any feedback you guys might have. My depressive symptoms are starting to come back since the dosage reduction so if I have to call my pdoc I don't want to take the dosage back up if its going to make things worse.

I dated a girl who was prescribed anti depressants due to migraines. Maybe some can cause them but there ones that can really help migraines

Talk to your doc and say Nixon sent ya

07-15-2015, 09:54 PM
I dated a girl who was prescribed anti depressants due to migraines. Maybe some can cause them but there ones that can really help migraines

Talk to your doc and say Nixon sent ya

Thanks for responding Nixon. With the way things are going this evening I might be talking to my doc sooner than I'd like. Currently experiencing what could potentially be brain zaps which I'm guessing are due to my dosage reduction of Cymbalta. I'm just guessing their brain zaps because I've never had them before but I've been told what they feel like. Making it pretty difficult for me to focus at this point in time.