View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

07-14-2015, 12:47 PM
I had really bad anxiety about 5 years ago, I then met my partner (we are long distance) and it got so much better. I would have times where it would creep back up but nothing I couldn't handle.

About a year ago it got really bad again, I was away on holiday so I just thought it was my nerves with being in a different country. It still didn't get better.

Recently I've had every single blood test and they've all came back clear. Had a telephone appointment with my doctor and asked me to do a food plan and then we will talk about anxiety and getting me some help.

My symptoms : when I don't eat every 2 hours my face goes numb, I get a pain my head, I feel dizzy and weak.

About 3 months ago I went gluten free as I had horrible stomach pains and they stopped when I cut out gluten. Not sure if my symptoms can be to do with this.

When I'm with my partner I still get the symptoms but no where near as much. I have to eat once between breakfast and dinner. But I have a sandwich but then I have to have something hot. The sandwich will not fill me. Unless I eat something hot then I feel fine. But when I'm at home I have to eat a snack before bed or I feel dizzy. However at my partners I can go without and feel fine!

What I'm asking really is does this sound like anxiety?

07-14-2015, 02:49 PM
I could be wrong. Being in a different country, change in lifestyle, unstable relationships, etc. can cause imbalance. Do you get anxiety? How does it feel?

07-14-2015, 02:53 PM
I get anxious every day. Except when I'm with my partner I'm not anxious but I get the symptoms but hardly as much as I do when I at home. I feel dizzy and weak and my face goes numb.

07-14-2015, 03:28 PM
It's hard to answer questions like this, because anxiety symptoms can be so specific to an individual person.

I would say it's worth looking further into. The last thing you want is to become almost "dependent" on your significant other to make your symptoms disappear. It's great that they DO go away when you are with them, but the deeper issue is WHY are you having these issues in the first place?

That person becoming your escape from the symptoms later on can cause issues in any relationship.

good luck :)

07-14-2015, 04:05 PM
I think it's because it's a long distance relationship. So it's just making me anxious being away!

07-14-2015, 04:07 PM
Which completely would make sense. :)

My husband and I dated long distance for 3 months before we were married... It was hard! Lots of anxiety when I wasn't around him..