View Full Version : Texas Fat Girl Falling Down

07-14-2015, 11:19 AM
I have never been a graceful sort. It is not uncommon for me to stumble over my own feet or knock something over in my day to day. These last few weeks have been just ridiculous though.
In the past 6 weeks I have taken a pretty moderate fall at least 4 times. The first fall was not so bad. I am quite short and my van was quite tall. I have to leap out of the driver seat to get out and I approach the task like a poorly trained gymnast. That day I failed to stick my landing and I tumbled luckily onto the lawn and not the driveway. A little grass stain on my favorite khakis but no injuries.
The next fall was just plain stupid. I was doing nothing in particular and my feet came out from under me in my hallway. Again no injuries, just a carpet burn on one elbow. A couple days later was when I first investigating a shoulder pain that later came out as a small collarbone fracture. While I am almost certain the injury was not caused by a fall I can't be completely certain, only that I didn't feel it until days after.
Saturday came and I was once again doing nothing in particular when I landed back first in my kitchen. I laughed at myself, glad no one was there to see it. At this point I am mostly wearing a sling so I imagine not being able to roll out of the fall led to the soreness that followed. Then came Sunday night.
I had taken the damnable sling off because it is difficult to walk two squirmy daschunds with only one arm. I am just walking, minding my own business when I stumble and take a most impressive spill. Both leashes are dropped and my adorably not so smart dogs stand wagging their tails. Just as I begin to pick myself up a truck of college kids whiz by, laughing and shouting. My spazz dog bolts, the other one just stands there still wagging her tail. It takes a good five minutes of running to finally catch up with her.
I look like I have been to war. Both knees and my elbow not encased in the sling are scaped up, my left foot has a good sized scab and my big toe is turning a most peculiar dusky dark shade.
I am not overly anxious about my new knack for falling, but it does give me some pause. I have spent far too much time in doctors' offices lately so I'm certainly not rushing off to see anyone over this. I am just venting about being old and broken down :)

Clumsy spazzes represent!

07-14-2015, 04:03 PM
go easy on yourself