View Full Version : How does Drinking effect you

07-13-2015, 06:13 PM
I have bad effects when drinking. I'm usually fine when I'm out drinking but when I come home its like a big rush I'm drunk and I just get terribly panicked and worried, I can't drink all time anyway I have insomnia and can stay up through my buzz and that sucks.

Does anyone's anxiety get worse from drinking, or does it help you?

07-13-2015, 07:35 PM
I have bad effects when drinking. I'm usually fine when I'm out drinking but when I come home its like a big rush I'm drunk and I just get terribly panicked and worried, I can't drink all time anyway I have insomnia and can stay up through my buzz and that sucks.

Does anyone's anxiety get worse from drinking, or does it help you?

When I have more than a few drinks in a night, I often wake up the next morning feeling more on-edge. There is a feeling of general anxiousness -- which was referred to in another thread. It is not anxiety about some particular issue, but just sort of "background anxiety" -- maybe just elevated cortisol level. But anyway, I tend to have that more after an evening when I had some beverages. Once I get my arse out of bed and get going, it tends to subside.

07-14-2015, 06:22 AM
I have bad effects when drinking. I'm usually fine when I'm out drinking but when I come home its like a big rush I'm drunk and I just get terribly panicked and worried, I can't drink all time anyway I have insomnia and can stay up through my buzz and that sucks.

Does anyone's anxiety get worse from drinking, or does it help you?

Makes me feel completely free...no worries of anxiety, very relaxed and outgoing and very few inhibitions.

07-14-2015, 06:34 AM
I don't drink too much, more at home then out with people. Though I generally don't go out with people often. I think that when I'm home I'm fine. No problems. But when I'm out drinking with people I feel more overwhelmed and groggy then after a bit I'll get a decent sized headache and stop, switching to water. I'm not sure that's entirely the alcohol though.

I'm not sure if this reply is helping anyone...

jon mike
07-15-2015, 02:16 PM
next day has always been the one with me, i feel awful for a day then is fades, always the same feeling tho so it dosent matter because ive experienced it 1000's of times and it still hasnt harmed me

07-16-2015, 05:03 PM
If I drink when I am already anxious- FORGET IT. I will be like a bomb just ready to go off at any second. and it will always be 10x worse than it would have been had I not drank.

If I just had a bad day(not really anxious), or am already in a good mood- it makes me feel amazing. Only if I don't over do it though.

If I drink so much that I get a hangover I always have worse anxiety that whole day..

In the end, alcohol should never be the answer to "help" anxiety. It IS a depressant. :)

07-16-2015, 10:02 PM
I was never much of a drinker. Some, when I was in my late teens when not on any meds. At that time it helped me loosen up and be more open to people. Now, with medication, no effect. The last time I drank (years ago) I nearly finished a fifth of Belvedere and felt no more than a slight off feeling. Not sure if this helps, but that's my personal take on it.