View Full Version : Anxiety and toilet issues

07-13-2015, 01:57 PM
Hi all,

I'm new here and really in need of some advice. I have been suffering from anxiety for a few years now. It comes and goes and generally doesn't cause me too much discomfort in my day to day life. But when I am going into new or unfamiliar situations it can begin to creep up on me and the worse symptom is that I get a sudden urge for the toilet. If I can't find a toilet then the panic gets worse. I have never actually had an accident but the urge is very real and very urgent when it starts. Even if I've only just moved my bowels it doesn't seem to make a difference. It is ruining my confidence and making me wary to go to certain places. Long car journeys, public transport, anywhere that requires waiting or being far away from a toilet scares me. I struggle with queues and being stuck in traffic is my worse nightmare.

I never used to be like this. I feel debilitated by this condition. I have tried CBT but it hasn't helped and I just don't know what to do. Can anyone recommend any good self help techniques to conquer this? I don't want my life to be ruled by a fear of needing the toilet.

07-13-2015, 02:11 PM
The nervous stomach! I am the world's worst at needing a bathroom when I am anxious, yet my fear of using public restrooms prevents me from getting any relief until I make it home. I have left whole baskets of groceries in the store to run home and go.
I find carrying water is pretty helpful for me. A few swig changes the terrible rumbling in my stomach and I can usually buy myself a little time.

07-13-2015, 02:22 PM
I also have really bad stomach issues!

When I have anxiety, my stomach is the first place I notice it. It's either needing the bathroom, gas, or feeling super nauseated.

I also have IBS and had my gallbladder out a couple years ago- that doesn't freaking help anything!

My saving grace is keeping medicine in my purse. Imodium, gas-x , and anti-nausea pills. It's the only thing I have found that will help me in my times of need.

I'm sorry you are struggling with this! It's no fun at all :(

07-13-2015, 04:21 PM
This is all too familiar for me. Ever since the first grade I've had bad stomach issues related to stress. I also have IBS. Pepto has helped me occasionally but once it gets bad I have to take a Xanax and then focus on calming down. I also get insanely hot when all this happens, almost like I'm going to pass out. Of course worrying about getting sick like this started causing panic attacks but luckily I've been able to control them to an extent.

My advice is try everything. Also deep breaths when you start to feel bad and try to calm yourself down.

07-13-2015, 06:42 PM
I also have really bad stomach issues because of anxiety. If I don't need the bathroom when I'm anxious then I'm probably really nauseous. Stomach issues are probably at the top of my list for worst side effect of anxiety.

Like sae, carrying water around is something that I've found pretty helpful. I also make sure to keep breath mints or peppermints on me at all times. I've heard that peppermint can be soothing for the stomach and I've found is to be pretty helpful at times.

Deep breathing is something that could be helpful for you.

07-14-2015, 06:24 AM
I actually didn't even realize my stomach issues were connected with my anxiety. My doctor actually asked me if I had bathroom issues and I was really surprised. It explained so much.

I keep a small pill bottle with the same things mrslizzyg keeps in her purse in my desk at work. I understand this. If I'm remembering what my doctor told me correctly, she said that the anxiety basically stops your blood from circulating well, which can throw your digestion system off. I don't know if maybe she dumbed it down for me. But I'm not a doctor and I have a bad memory, so don't quote me on this.