View Full Version : mild symptoms but mega anxiety!

07-13-2015, 01:06 PM
Hello all!

So I've been dealing with anxiety for approximately 8 years now. I'm 27 years old and generally I'm probably pretty healthy.

Trouble is I have very mild symptoms which tend to be regular. like i have a mild pain that hits me in the left of my ribs feeling like it's on the inside. I used to get worse anxiety which felt like it was at the heart, again it's never very painful just mild but relatively constant in some area of my body. I regularly have a bad stomach. The big issue is that I live in China and it's extremely hard to communicate with doctors here, and to be perfectly honest I don't totally trust the doctors... you don't get real time with them, it's like in do a couple of tests and get you out as quickly as possible. They said I was fine and maybe I am... But I feel pain is there for a reason right?

I just, my anxiety keeps manifesting in different ways... I feel like I've beaten it, then it changes to a different pain... it's weird... I just don't know if my fears are justified.

I brought myself to post today because I suddenly woke up at 2am because I was dreaming that I couldn't breathe, woke up fine but it freaked me out...

compared to other people here I guess my symptoms are lame... but even though they're mild I can't stop being freaked out that I have various illnesses or problems

anyone else feel this way? Like it's just a niggling demon, rather than a full on pain panic?

07-13-2015, 06:28 PM
Anxiety has a way of manifesting in all sorts of unusual ways aches, pains etc. I struggle a bit with health anxiety so weird aches and pains can set my anxiety off sometimes. My weird pains usually happen in my ribs kind of like yours.

I don't have full on anxiety/panic on a regular basis sometimes it feels like its just hanging out in the background, today has been a perfect example of that. Usually work makes me pretty anxious but today I've felt like my anxiety is kind of waiting in the wings. Just know that you are not alone in the way you feel, there are many of us on this board that can relate.