View Full Version : super freaking out

07-13-2015, 11:48 AM
Ok so I have a problem with my eye i have a red patch of skin under my eye and finally went to dr about it and she said it was Cellulitus and I of course made the dumb mistake to google that and now I'm really freaking out because dr google says so many bad things about that and about how dangerous it can be. So now even though I'm super afraid of taking antibiotics I'm going to take them and just freak out about them the whole time and also freak out about the cellulitus and hope it isn't too bad already. Any advice from anyone to calm down?

07-13-2015, 11:55 AM
Hey there!

I work for an ophthalmologist and we see people with cellulitis sometimes!

I haven't seen it so I don't know how bad it is- but I am assuming if the doctor sent you home with antibiotics it hasn't progressed too far yet. You NEED to take the antibiotics.. and if you do, it WILL go away and get better.

I know you said antibiotics stress you out, but I promise they are less dangerous than letting the cellulitis continue to get worse.

You will be ok :)

07-13-2015, 12:11 PM
Hey thank you so much for responding. I just really freaked out because I've had the problem since Friday night and just went to dr today and the thing I saw on google said to not wait to go to dr because it's so dangerous so that really got me freaked out. I just got my antibiotics though so I'm going to get some food and take my first one. I just have a huge fear of taking medicine because I'm afraid I will have an allergic reaction and die but now I'm afraid if I don't take the medicine it will get worse and I will die. Ugh anxiety is such a pain

07-13-2015, 12:25 PM
I'm with mrslizzyg on the taking the antibiotics thing however I wanted to add a thought to that. For the future, no more Dr. Google it only makes things worse in the long run.

07-13-2015, 12:26 PM
The antibiotics are not going to kill you. They are actually your friend right now, fighting off the cellulitis.

And so what if you get an allergic reaction? Most of them are minor. I've had upset stomach from antibiotics.. that's an allergic reaction. You call your doctor and get news ones. :)

Everything will be ok!

07-13-2015, 01:16 PM
Ok so I took the first pill and used the eye cream and it has been 30 minutes so no severe allergic reactions to report thank goodness. The other annoying thing is that most of the potential negative side effects are the same as anxiety symptoms. Before I ever took the pill I thought I was going to vomit and then as soon as I took the pill I went to the bathroom pretty severely if ya know what I mean...
Thank you both for responding though. I was really freaking out and I am probably going to freak out all day about it.

07-14-2015, 09:41 AM
Ok first day after starting antibiotics and idk if I'm freaking out or what but it looks like my lower eyelid is a little more swollen than it was yesterday. Is that normal? Could it just have been from sleep? I've been awake for about an hour now so hoping the swelling will go down.

07-14-2015, 10:52 AM
You'll be just fine, I bet :). Antibiotics take some time to kick in. That's why you have to take them for a set number of days. I had pneumonia with a side of kidney stones back on April and I felt like roadkill the first few days of antibiotics. Eventually I could breathe again, the stone (s) passed and all was well with with the world (save the utter deforestation of my digestive system, but I was one some super hefty antibiotics too. I lived in the bathroom but I lost 15 lbs... silver linings).

I agree that Dr. Google is a doomsaying quack. When it comes to medical advice you get what you pay for. I hope you feel better soon.