View Full Version : Omg HELP! Anxiety to the max

07-13-2015, 11:19 AM
Have GAD and panic attacks. I am having a total moment right now because:

Our apartment is totally beyond way too small. I can't stand it anymore. We're in the ritzy school district so we can't afford most apartments.

Long story short, I found my affordable dream apartment three houses down and applied Saturday. Now I can't function because I can't handle waiting to find out if we get it. I feel like I'm drowning and this apartment is a lifeline that if we get will save my life. If we don't, I'll die. Obviously I won't really die, but it's such a huge glimpse of hope that it's unbearable to deal with. I can't even get out of bed today. I can't eat. I can barely sleep. I wake-up four hours early each morning. I took my PRN meds and tried to get into my therapist early. I know I just need to chill, but it's impossible.

What do you do when you go through something like this?

07-13-2015, 11:27 AM
Hey there!

I HATE when my anxiety spikes up to its worst. It seems almost unbearable sometimes..

Just try to do ANYTHING at all that keeps your mind busy. For me it's listening to music, reading a book, calling someone on the phone to talk, going out with a friend.. just needs to be interesting enough to distract me for a while.

Of course it doesn't fix the issue, but it helps me make it through.

This will pass. You will find out what happens and the anxiety will go away. I'm sure you will get the place! :)

07-13-2015, 11:31 AM
Hello :) oh you poor thing,it's hard waiting for something that you want more so when your getting anxious as your mind is on overdrive.
I use lavender bath stuff and candles body stuff
Do your breathing to try and relax your mind
Believe me I know what it's like to go in to panic and Anxiety thinking and it's hard to shake off I know,BUT it will and it won't last forever
Hold in there

07-13-2015, 11:34 AM
Thank you so much!! I really want to call someone but my options are limited. My sister will exacerbate my anxiety, my friend is busy, my other friend won't understand, and the only other people I know don't understand anxiety at all and will probably think I'm nuts. So I'm just sitting here, trying to distract by playing computer games. But I keep switching every few minutes and I'm starting to annoy myself LOL!

07-13-2015, 11:36 AM
My cat came over and comforted me and I felt a million times better until I remembered her Emotional Support Animal letter is invalid now that I've had my name changed. Then I began thinking about us being driven apart, FOR NO REASON! Lol. It is so silly to be this way. It really is. Anxiety is stupid!

07-13-2015, 11:36 AM
Maybe try talking to them about things unrelated to your anxiety? Sometimes hearing about someone elses problems distracts me from mine. :)

LOL- switch as many times as you need though! You'll get through this :)

07-13-2015, 11:44 AM
Sorry I really don't know what to tell you as my home is my sanctuary, but yours seems to be apart of of your anxiety. If at all possible get outside, alone, somewhere you can breathe and not feel trapped. A park, or even a bench in a mall, sit and people watch for awhile if you can. Good luck.

07-13-2015, 11:44 AM
This cat is awfully funny. Whenever I'm upset, she sticks to me like glue. I keep getting up to pace and then see her looking at me, waiting for me to sit back down. I'm working on listening to her right now 😄

I am so glad I found this place...where people "get it"

07-13-2015, 11:48 AM
Animals can be amazing for someone with anxiety. I had a dog that passed away last year but man- when I was stressed she really saved me sometimes. That's awesome your cat is helpful. :)

Yes, we get it!! Sooo much.

07-13-2015, 11:57 AM
Whenever I bug out, she won't leave my side. And if I get up and pace, she stares at me so hard like, "sit down!" Lol

07-14-2015, 10:58 AM
PHEW! I saw my doc today and she said my meds aren't working, even though I explained that my anxiety is situational right now. She prescribed me Atovan instead, and I am so grateful. I can't wait to get a little bit of relief and refocus!