View Full Version : "Rut" Of Anxiety, Can Anyone Relate? - Thanks

07-12-2015, 09:22 PM
Hey guys, on here tonight looking for yet more reassurance. If you've kept up with my story, you would know that I have been an anxious person in general my entire life, but for almost a month now, if not a little over, it is like my whole life has changed, like I am living in a new world that is being consumed by constant anxiety mixed with a little depression over the littlest things. Even "normal" things that most people would be anxious about, I am over-sensitive to.. as I said, I have always been anxious, but it has never bothered me THIS much. It's like, new to me. I have had a rut before that was slightly different that lasted roughly two months, I am starting to believe this is a pattern that happens every other year or so, where I go into self destruct mode. I must say, even as bad as I feel right now, that I am seeing some improvement, and some days are now better than others, however, it's still lingering and it is such a problem. Can anyone out there relate to this "rut" or "spell" like, I am being anxious over things most people, including myself, wouldn't let consume them. Such as my future (I am only 21) it's like this hopeless, dread feeling and everything is getting to me worse than usual. It is hard to explain, but it's constant brain chatter. Like I said, some improvement has been made since this "rut" first started, but it is still here. Do these "spells" go away in time? Just need reassurance, thanks! Here is some of the things I feel pretty much 24/7 during this "episode" the hopeless feeling, feeling of doom and dread, fearing failure, fearing not being stable, crazy thoughts that just jump from one thing to another, and so on. Any insight or personal stories would be helpful. I am so ready for this to end.

07-12-2015, 09:40 PM
I relate with this well. Currently, what I'm in isn't exactly a temporary rut, but a daily rut of depression and anxiety. However, there was a time where it was a sporadic thing. I'm 24 now, and starting at around your age, I began feeling the same feelings. Vacillating degrees of hopelessness - especially about my future. I always felt like time was creeping up on me, being 21 and having no job and never having stepped foot within the confines of a college. It did get better with time, because I'd tell myself that everything would be better, and I'd eventually pull out of this and get things going in my life. Now, I'm going to finally start taking college classes this fall, but I still feel a constant feeling of dread about my future - that's the health anxiety talking, though. When you feel those feelings of improvement, focus on them and take them as far as you can. I mean, really make them a priority. I wish I could have.

07-12-2015, 09:54 PM
I'm having a similar issue, my mind is always racing with worrying about different things and my mind jumping to differnt thoughts. I have GAD and have always been an anxious person. I'm 21 as well. This started for me with me trying to switch meds to see if something could do better and that just screwed me all up.

07-12-2015, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the replies, guys. I do not take meds and I've had these ruts before. I never become anxious over my future like this, I can usually take things day by day.

07-12-2015, 10:38 PM
And this did not start with being anxious over my future, this started with becoming afraid of having attacks and going crazy, then it went to health anxiety, now it is on this trigger. Is it normal for triggers to bounce around like this during these ruts? Or... what?

07-12-2015, 10:46 PM
Very normal sir. At least in my experience.

07-12-2015, 11:58 PM
Did it pass for you?