View Full Version : Generalized Anxiety? Borderline? OCD? A mess.

07-12-2015, 08:51 PM
removed :P

07-13-2015, 09:46 AM
Wow, it sounds like you have A LOT going on in that head of yours!

Have you seen a therapist, or anyone you could talk to about all of this?

As you already know, most of this is just anxiety messing with your head. Not real.

Other advice? ONLY have protected sex. Obviously having unprotected sex just messed with your head even more. It's not worth it!

Sorry I don't have much else to say! Good luck!

07-13-2015, 07:28 PM
Wow, it sounds like you have A LOT going on in that head of yours!

Have you seen a therapist, or anyone you could talk to about all of this?

As you already know, most of this is just anxiety messing with your head. Not real.

Other advice? ONLY have protected sex. Obviously having unprotected sex just messed with your head even more. It's not worth it!

Sorry I don't have much else to say! Good luck!

I have been seeing a therapist for about 8 months, she helps and reassures me its all from anxiety but I still keep worrying its real. And yes, I can say I've learned my lesson after those test results.

I'm just so nervous that I'm gay/bi. I can't stop thinking about it and now i feel like I'm becoming less attracted to boys and I don't want to be. I always had crushes on boys and whenever I saw girls naked or in general I wouldnt think sexually about them, I'd actually get jealous and wish I looked like them. But now I keep having these intrusive gay thoughts and it wont stop. I don't know what's happening I thought sexuality doesn't change. With my history it seems like it's anxiety, because It started when I just asked myself what it would be like if I was bi, and then it felt like an anxiety attack washing over me, and I suddenly start believing I was bi and panicking and not being able to control my thoughts or emotions. I just don't know what's really me anymore and it's scaring me. And when people tell me it's ok to be bi/gay, it doesn't help me. I know it's ok, I'm very accepting of people who aren't heterosexual, but it gives me anxiety at the thought of being gay in general. And I've discussed this with almost all my family and they've been very accepting, almost none of my friends are homophobic, the idea of being gay is just terrifying me and my logic isn't matching my emotions here.