View Full Version : The balace of thoughts

07-10-2015, 11:54 AM
Hi everyone,in my dealing with anxiety and depression I have come to realize something that might help some of u out there.....see the things is that when my thoughts are in what u might call a low vibration ,when I am bearly aware of them my day goes great I can do ordinary stuff...its like I become normal.....but when something emotional or physical like sex set off my anxiety...my thoughts become amplified ,,my body becomes tense,my stomach stars producing acid like crazy and I become aware of every body sensation ,I start thinking about the what ifs ...its awful.....this can last for days and the only thing that can get me off this mind set is to convince my self that I am strong enough to face my fears no matter what the outcome will be..I repeat this trough out the day until my thoughts calm down..........

07-10-2015, 05:49 PM
Cool words, Carlos

Have you ever figured out what cause you to be anxious?

07-10-2015, 09:59 PM
Hi Carlos,

Yep, the "low vibration" thoughts are normal and the anxious ones are not. But what people don't understand is the link between the stressed body and these thoughts arising, and how it becomes a vicious circle. For a very long time I thought my anxious thoughts were "normal" and I couldn't do anything about them. Noone explained the effect of stress on my mind.

Thanks for sharing :)

07-11-2015, 09:39 PM
yes Nixon...when my body tenses my blood pressure and my heartbeat go up and mi mind starts thinking that they might be something wrong with my heart.....thats how my anxiety started....last year I had a stress test and echo and everything is normal......but I cant convince my self that everything is ok when this happens......is frustrating

07-13-2015, 10:58 PM
It's really good to know that your kinda going through something and it will pass. Gotta have confidence in that. I think if you keep with that you will always continue to get better.