View Full Version : cell phones

07-10-2015, 10:43 AM
Hey guys! I have just been having some thoughts lately and I wanted to write them down.. For the record, none of this has anything specifically to do with my marriage/friendships/family. Of course we have had our fair share of issues lately but things have been great.. This is just a topic that gives me anxiety in general.

Smart phones these days.. Texting, facebook, instragram, twitter, snapchat, kik, tinder, youtube, skype... EVERYTHING is at your finger tips. Some of it, is AMAZING. I can get directions from here to there in 2 mins. I can talk to you guys on my phone! I can chat up an old friend. I can google a question. Someone in the family is overseas in the military or gone on a trip, just Skype them.

But really, is this stuff doing more harm than good?

People don't have to TRY anymore. Don't want to talk to your family? Bury your face in your phone. Need a boyfriend/girlfriend/hookup? No worries, just "swipe" through these photos until you find someone hot enough. Need to contact a friend? Just text. No need to speak. Need to shop? Just do it online! Want some naked guys/girls? Just open it on your phone! Need to hide stuff from your friends/family/relationship? Here, there are SO MANY private options. Tired of talking to that person? Just block them, deleted them, friendship over. You don't need to TELL them anything. Don't like that picture? Just add a bajillion filters.

There are SO MANY positives, but I think there are WAY MORE negatives.

I see people on dates where they are just buried in their phones the whole time.Families that don't talk anymore because they too, are buried on their cell phones. I've known people who are so annoyed with friends they WON'T GET OFF THEIR PHONE that it tears them apart. I've seen relationships destroyed because he/she was chatting up other boys/girls on their phone.

What happened to ACTUAL CONVERSATION? What happened to MAKING AN EFFORT when you date someone? What happened to FAMILY TIME?

The future of this sh*t with smart phones causes me so much anxiety. Anyone seen the movie Wall-E? Where everyone is super overweight and sits in front of screens on a chair all day? Yea... That is where I feel like we are headed. Maybe not AS BAD but close.

I'm not guilt free here- I have been one of those people who spends too much time on my phone. But I make a conscious effort NOT to in a lot of situations. My favorite times I have are when I turn it off and spend time with people I love, no distractions.

Now days people get tired of their children, then hand them an Ipad to play on. Ok, cool for sometimes... but long term? You are really taking away from their future social skills.

Yes, I am aware there are BIGGER issues in the world. This is just something that personally bothers me...

I hate how disconnected people are from each other. Texting and having a face to face conversations are two completely different things... and the value of that is being lost.

Anyone with me?

07-10-2015, 11:59 AM
Omg yes!! I never really was worried about this until my anxiety has been acting up bad for this past month. Your def not alone with this one.

07-10-2015, 01:29 PM
Hey guys! I have just been having some thoughts lately and I wanted to write them down.. For the record, none of this has anything specifically to do with my marriage/friendships/family. Of course we have had our fair share of issues lately but things have been great.. This is just a topic that gives me anxiety in general.

Smart phones these days.. Texting, facebook, instragram, twitter, snapchat, kik, tinder, youtube, skype... EVERYTHING is at your finger tips. Some of it, is AMAZING. I can get directions from here to there in 2 mins. I can talk to you guys on my phone! I can chat up an old friend. I can google a question. Someone in the family is overseas in the military or gone on a trip, just Skype them.

But really, is this stuff doing more harm than good?

People don't have to TRY anymore. Don't want to talk to your family? Bury your face in your phone. Need a boyfriend/girlfriend/hookup? No worries, just "swipe" through these photos until you find someone hot enough. Need to contact a friend? Just text. No need to speak. Need to shop? Just do it online! Want some naked guys/girls? Just open it on your phone! Need to hide stuff from your friends/family/relationship? Here, there are SO MANY private options. Tired of talking to that person? Just block them, deleted them, friendship over. You don't need to TELL them anything. Don't like that picture? Just add a bajillion filters.

There are SO MANY positives, but I think there are WAY MORE negatives.

I see people on dates where they are just buried in their phones the whole time.Families that don't talk anymore because they too, are buried on their cell phones. I've known people who are so annoyed with friends they WON'T GET OFF THEIR PHONE that it tears them apart. I've seen relationships destroyed because he/she was chatting up other boys/girls on their phone.

What happened to ACTUAL CONVERSATION? What happened to MAKING AN EFFORT when you date someone? What happened to FAMILY TIME?

The future of this sh*t with smart phones causes me so much anxiety. Anyone seen the movie Wall-E? Where everything is super overweight and sits in front of screens on a chair all day? Yea... That is where I feel like we are headed. Maybe not AS BAD but close.

I'm not guilt free here- I have been one of those people who spends too much time on my phone. But I make a conscious effort NOT to in a lot of situations. My favorite times I have are when I turn it off and spend time with people I love, no distractions.

Now days people get tired of their children, then hand them an Ipad to play on. Ok, cool for sometimes... but long term? You are really taking away from their future social skills.

Yes, I am aware there are BIGGER issues in the world. This is just something that personally bothers me...

I hate how disconnected people are from each other. Texting and having a face to face conversations are two completely different things... and the value of that is being lost.

Anyone with me?

I'll give Ya AMEN on that!!!!

07-10-2015, 02:05 PM
I fully support this point of view!!! It drives me nuts when on the rare occasion that I go out to dinner or somewhere with friends and/or family that I'm usually the only one who doesn't have their face in their phone. My significant other and I basically decided at the beginning of our relationship that when we are together that we have our phones put away. If one of us gets a phone call or is waiting on a phone call though we allow them to answer it.

Smartphones are somewhat negatively affecting the way that we socialize because it takes the personal aspect out of it. I don't like it. Also sometimes people being on their phones when their supposed to be hanging out with me makes me anxious.

07-10-2015, 05:45 PM
One of the biggest issues I see is how people film things and it takes them out if reality. If a girl is getting bitch slapped, pull out your phone to post online. Lord knows you shouldn't whip the guys ass. Looking through a camera makes you absent from reality

Now on a positive side of that. Who hasn't got all hammered with their significant other and then things started getting saucy and you cranked up some Lou raws then busted out your iPhone 3g? If you said "not me", you are either a liar or in a really lame relationship

I am old enough to appreciate the no phone thing since there were none when I was teenager. You still had to hold your breath that the parents didn't answer the house phone when you called a girl to ask her out to a movie and/or orgy

I have no idea what my point is

07-10-2015, 10:02 PM
I'm dealing with a 14yo who is physically attached to her mobile phone. Say no more!

07-10-2015, 11:00 PM
I'm dealing with a 14yo who is physically attached to her mobile phone. Say no more!

This, every last word.

07-13-2015, 11:08 PM
I feel it, I am very much against it, I worry so much about my brother who when I was younger and he was younger I would see him playing video games and didn't think too much of it but now it's just all the time and my mom won't do anything about it .she recently bought him a smart phone he's 11??? Worries me.... I believe it can take away our peace.. too just settle and be peaceful not constantly on.

I think it's because a screen can always change. Most things you just have to accept them or invest in them, screens you don't like it, change it. it's endless.

07-14-2015, 04:17 AM
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Digital Vertigo

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/digitalvertico-andrew-keen-book-_zpswpmdbmzg.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Vertigo-Revolution-Diminishing-Disorienting/dp/1780338406)

Although sitting on my desk now, I have not thus far read it. It came to mind after reading your post there mrslizzyg.

It's a challenging book and seems to have put a lot of peoples noses out of joint. It does not surprise me many people have gone to lengths to give this book a bad name. Again, I have not read it, however the topic is interesting enough for me to of purchased it.

I've just about worn out Einsteins quote in relation to this subject, so will just elude to it in my own words. Technology has surpassed human interaction. Period. I grew up in an era without phones in our pockets. 99% still required a cable. My generation was called the TV generation - the one that came after the Baby-boomers.

I've come to see that Technology is not the culprit in such demise, although it certainly is a great tool for mass control. Before the technology boom, before we even had machines to print text, human interaction was more felt than read.

I see huge advantages in technology - Hell ... we have the tech to feed every person in this world, yet our current value systems prohibits such an evolution. We instead promote unemployment, sickness, division, war and famine. Religion is slowly giving way to yet another more powerful form of control and manipulation. Digital vertigo is not bounded by denomination, culture diversity, social status and or the color of ones socks and jocks. Everyone is hooked! Digital bliss that comes with a full time addiction. It's for everyone - even the homeless now have their own blogs.

I've learned to use it for the most part to do me good. It can bring out the worst and well as the best. For now, I see it like any addiction ... like how we still sell smokes that kill - like how people drink alcohol ... like all the rest of the poison they put in our foods. Yet I know so much more about all these things due to the internet ... I was able to reject that figment that my mother called God and since then have been free. I owe so much to technology.

It's not the technology - like it's not the book, but more so those the design and write them. - Many of us also would do well in learning how to read ourselves as well as others. I find the problem is more our wills in what we ascribe too. All that drama and hype to keep us well fed and pacified - for the most part, those well to do have no idea just how they've become surrogates.

I fear I have said too much and no doubt created as much conflict as the phone ...

BRB - phone is ringing. ;)

I'm thinking the world needs to change it's current value system, then once we learn to interact, then we can start using our tech for good. It's just a thought. Until then, we are just full or ourselves logging in, for more likes and subscribes. Business as usual. Lets hope we evolve and can all get along .. some day sooner than later.

07-14-2015, 12:17 PM

Ponder with the homerun!

07-14-2015, 03:29 PM
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Digital Vertigo

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/digitalvertico-andrew-keen-book-_zpswpmdbmzg.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Vertigo-Revolution-Diminishing-Disorienting/dp/1780338406)

Although sitting on my desk now, I have not thus far read it. It came to mind after reading your post there mrslizzyg.

It's a challenging book and seems to have put a lot of peoples noses out of joint. It does not surprise me many people have gone to lengths to give this book a bad name. Again, I have not read it, however the topic is interesting enough for me to of purchased it.

I've just about worn out Einsteins quote in relation to this subject, so will just elude to it in my own words. Technology has surpassed human interaction. Period. I grew up in an era without phones in our pockets. 99% still required a cable. My generation was called the TV generation - the one that came after the Baby-boomers.

I've come to see that Technology is not the culprit in such demise, although it certainly is a great tool for mass control. Before the technology boom, before we even had machines to print text, human interaction was more felt than read.

I see huge advantages in technology - Hell ... we have the tech to feed every person in this world, yet our current value systems prohibits such an evolution. We instead promote unemployment, sickness, division, war and famine. Religion is slowly giving way to yet another more powerful form of control and manipulation. Digital vertigo is not bounded by denomination, culture diversity, social status and or the color of ones socks and jocks. Everyone is hooked! Digital bliss that comes with a full time addiction. It's for everyone - even the homeless now have their own blogs.

I've learned to use it for the most part to do me good. It can bring out the worst and well as the best. For now, I see it like any addiction ... like how we still sell smokes that kill - like how people drink alcohol ... like all the rest of the poison they put in our foods. Yet I know so much more about all these things due to the internet ... I was able to reject that figment that my mother called God and since then have been free. I owe so much to technology.

It's not the technology - like it's not the book, but more so those the design and write them. - Many of us also would do well in learning how to read ourselves as well as others. I find the problem is more our wills in what we ascribe too. All that drama and hype to keep us well fed and pacified - for the most part, those well to do have no idea just how they've become surrogates.

I fear I have said too much and no doubt created as much conflict as the phone ...

BRB - phone is ringing. ;)

I'm thinking the world needs to change it's current value system, then once we learn to interact, then we can start using our tech for good. It's just a thought. Until then, we are just full or ourselves logging in, for more likes and subscribes. Business as usual. Lets hope we evolve and can all get along .. some day sooner than later.

Just like any addiction, everyone has a choice. They can use their agency to do better or to just keep feeding it.

The issue here is that people don't see their dependence on technology as an "issue." It is considered a social norm.