View Full Version : Update: first psych appointment

07-09-2015, 09:00 PM
Hey guys, I promised a few people that I would post an update after I had my psych appointment to let y'all know what happened. It just so happened before the appointment that I had to face two of my phobias (elevators and waiting rooms) so needless to say after having to take the elevator the office and the doctor running behind thus a long wait in the waiting room I was sufficiently anxious. I took a book with me but I think that in my anxious distraction that I ended up reading the same few pages over and over...oops.

My psych took his time talking to me but I was so nervous/anxious that I don't feel like he asked that many questions. Due to my mental state I was feeling pretty quiet/shy anyway but I'm trying not to obsess over the details of what happened.

He told me stop using the Vistaril that I had been taking as needed for anxiety. I'd only used it a few times when I was really having bad anxiety but found it to be beneficial at the time. Looks like I'll be trying to find some new coping mechanisms since that's not something that I can use anymore.

He didn't seem to fazed about the Buspar which I've been using since December to boost my ad and help with anxiety. He said medication wise that its neutral, not sure what that means? If anyone knows please let me know.

Finally he decided to reduce my dose of Cymbalta which is slightly confusing to me. At one point I was having issues with the Cymbalta making me feel "flat" but that was late last fall before I was prescribed Buspar. At the time my gp who was prescribing my meds asked me to go down on the Cymbalta but I didn't make it more than a few days because there was a pretty major resurgence in not only depression but anxiety.

Though I'm a bit skeptical on his decision regarding the Cymbalta I'm going to try it for a few days and see how it goes. If it doesn't work out I still have a supply of the higher dosage left over.

07-10-2015, 12:06 AM
Hey thanks for the update. Sounds like it went okay? Well done tackling the other phobias as well! I don't mind elevators but waiting rooms can make me anxious at the best of times.


07-10-2015, 10:33 AM
I would say for a first appointment it went okay. Now I just have to deal with the adjustment in the meds. Took the lower dosage last night for the first time and not long after I woke up this morning had a panic attack :/ Trying to stay optimistic that its just my body trying to acclimate to the change. Going to try and give it at least a week or so to see how it goes. Trying to tap into my coping skills to deal with any anxiety that pops up.