View Full Version : Help! Am having spasms, pain, shaking, nausea off and one last year and a half

07-09-2015, 08:48 PM
I don't know what is wrong with me. I am so tired. I have shaking and feel weak mainly in my arms and legs. I have spasms in my legs and arms and sometimes upper back and eye twitches. Sometimes this comes with sweating and heart palpitations. My arms get sore when my muscles do this. Often I have nausea with it also. Sometimes I also get restless legs. Sometimes I get chest pain with it. On occasion I feel almost itchy like a reaction but there is nothing I know of.

It started February of 2014 and lasted a few months, got better but then started again this year, got better and is back again.

I have been to the Dr. over this. We did labs. Once I was low on iron and once low on potassium. Every other lab came back ok. Had a brain MRI and consult with a neuro doc last year and he did not diagnose me either. Had an EKG once in ER and they found nothing there.

I am so sick of this and not knowing what it is and how to fix it. Tonight I feel pretty bad. My arms feel shaky and they hurt and I feel nauseated. I am so tired but don't sleep very well either.

Anyone have this weirdness? I just want some hope here.

07-10-2015, 02:22 AM
Hi, I have panic disorder and I have experienced all of the symptoms you have described. My doctor reassures me that it is l anxiety related.

07-10-2015, 05:47 AM
Thank you so much for your reply. Sometimes it gets so hard to keep from googling diseases when this gets bad and it helps to hear from others.

07-10-2015, 07:36 AM
I try not to google symptoms because this just increases my anxiety further. It's hard to believe that anxiety can cause such awful physical symptoms.

07-10-2015, 11:10 AM
I'm not sure if I have the same exact thing or not but I get random muscle twitches in my arms and legs all the time. People say it's dehydration but I think it's anxiety. I also get chest pain. It feels like my muscles are squeezed really tight. Last month I got the shakes and nausea, dizziness, chest tightness, and went to the ER. They did all kinds of blood tests, heart monitoring, even a urine test and determined it was an anxiety attack. It didn't feel like any of my past ones but apparently that's what it was.

07-10-2015, 11:18 AM
You must all uncover the unresolved mental problems (life issues) causing the stress and physical symptoms. You are all unique in your experiences thus no one knows you or your thoughts better than - you. Your conscious thoughts will give way to clues as to why your struggling. So take the focus off the physical which is not the cause but the effect and place your strong will at getting to the emotional conflicts that need to be resolved. And remember-

There is always a way out. Even if the problems look insurmountable.