View Full Version : Nervous Ticks?

07-09-2015, 02:54 AM
I hope this is on the right board. Also a little anxious because this is sort of my first ever post.

When I get anxious I tend to scratch and pick at my skin. It's a gross habit, I know, I hear that one all the time, but I can't really control it. I'm wondering if anyone either has a tip to help me control my nervous scratching or if someone experiences something like what I experience? Thanks :)

07-09-2015, 06:24 AM
Its not what you do when your nervous, its what your thinking while your doing and being - nervous and listening - importantly - for the reason(s) of the nerves that are accessible within those thoughts. The thinking during the 'picking' if followed will lead you to the cause.

Therefor it is not beyond control, if you would only seek to understand yourself. Next time, let yourself pick away and instead examine your thoughts as to 'why am i picking' or whatever you happen to be doing.

The picking is actually a way to cope with the tension, and in itself a method of 'trying' to control. Where you are to release rather than hold onto whatever is bothering you mentally.

07-09-2015, 07:51 AM
Hello there, Allison

I agree with IS that it is more what you are dwelling on versus how to stop the act

Once you can figure out the "why" and can wrap your head around that, there is now not a "need" to pick but possibly only the habit of picking

And when you have a habit with no cause, the habit is easy to break