View Full Version : Hey, New here and looking to overcome my longterm problems

07-08-2015, 12:33 PM
Hi all, I have stumbled across this forum by accident but immediately I feel like a stand a chance of finally finding some support that no one in my life at present can understand.

I have suffered with depression and anxiety for many years and finally in January this year admitted that I needed help as my problem was taking over my life. I went to visit my GP who prescribed mirtazapine 15mg. I have been on this since then and things have defintly improved although I still get panicky in some situations. I am due back at the GP in the next couple of weeks so going to discuss either a change or an increase in dosage of meds.

I was coping fantastically up until last year when I lost my first dog :( she had been in my life since the anxiety started and suddenly she wasn't their to get me through. I still don't know how I am managing without her and now due to my anxiety and a situation I was put in I have fallen out with my best friend - who was more like a sister to me than a friend and I am finding it really hard to cope right now.

I show my dogs at championship level and have been able to do this with my friends support. I have my first show this weekend without her by my side and I am already doubting whether to go :(

I am hoping I can get some support from this site and hopefully find someone to talk to who understands and can help me with this.

Thanks for reading :)

07-09-2015, 01:04 AM
Hello! My names Samantha and I'm also new. I'm not very active on the boards yet but I already know this is a very wonderful place. Message me if you need someone to chat to. :)

07-09-2015, 01:35 AM
Hello Samantha and Magic,

Welcome to you both.

This is a really great place, we have helped so many.

First I would suggest you read many posts, you never know when an answer to someone else can spark an idea in you.

The best place to post is in the general discussion area, that is where we get the most traffic, so more people will be able to offer suggestions.

I wish you all the best,