View Full Version : Medication causing anxiety?

07-07-2015, 04:45 AM
I was given Citalopram because of heart palpitations that the doctor says are caused by anxiety. I had all the heart tests and everything is fine with my heart so I am giving these meds a try. I've been taking it for a week now, and I have had a couple days of anxiety (I've never had these feelings of anxiety before, only heart palpitations!) I also had an anxiety attack one night. Is it possible that anxiety medication can MAKE you anxious? I know it can take several weeks for the medication to fully work - but I don't understand why I would be developing these feelings of anxiety that I never had before unless the medication is causing it. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

07-07-2015, 07:24 AM
Hi, Lara - almost everyone who takes meds seems to initially get more anxious by taking them

And there are a few cases where it is the meds that cause the anxiety, but in most cases it is the fear of side effects that makes people feel the anxiety. People get convinced that it must be the tabs but in fact, fearing side effects of medication is a major trait of those with anxiety

And just a tip, anxious people tend to be very shallow breathers. Shallow breaths cause heart palpitations.

When you feel a palp, it is your body letting you know that you are breathing too shallow

When that happens, take a few normal breaths that raise your stomach and let it fall again. Not deep breaths. Normal breaths.

That will stop the palpitations almost immediately